Food and Beverage

Top 10 EAM Systems In 2024

Similar to other horizontally overlapping categories transcending industries, the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) category is broad, covering a range of solutions, some integrated with hardware vendors while others deeply buried inside ERP systems. The range of use cases might differ based on the industries – and the asset types tracked. For example, in real estate industries, non-profit, or public sector, the assets include buildings requiring compliance with buildings (and city codes). Other industries, such as food and logistics, might have their own fleets – and integrate with vehicle manufacturers. Yet another industry could be large equipment manufacturing, requiring integration with OEM manufacturers and their processes –  making the EAM category especially challenging.

In terms of the solution size, the smaller solutions might be highly prescriptive – and relevant for point use cases. Prioritizing ease of use for smaller organizations, their data models might not be as coded as with larger solutions, making them easier to use – but increasing risks of data integrity. The larger solutions, on the other hand, might be too verbose, covering use cases from many different industries and asset types, making them complex – yet increasing implementation and training time.

Top 10 EAM Systems In 2024

The overlap with other solution categories is another layer that differentiates these solutions. The solutions tightly intertwined with ERP layers might be friendlier for industries where cost tracking of assets and inventory is critical. The other overlap of EAM systems is with CAD, MES, and engineering systems. This is highly relevant for engineering-heavy manufacturing industries. The final overlap could also be with CRM-centric systems, especially the field service and after-market companies. This makes the EAM category extremely nuanced, making it highly challenging for buyers. Don’t panic – and dive into this list to have a basic understanding of these layers.

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Thinking of embarking on a ERP journey and looking for a digital transformation report? Want to learn the best practices of digital transformation? Then, you have come to the right place.


  • Definition of an EAM system. The companies in this market segment would include companies of all sizes needing an EAM system as a pure-play category that can be deployed without requiring other dependencies.
  • Overall market share/# of customers. The higher market share among EAM companies drives higher rankings on this list.
  • Ownership/funding. The superior financial position of the EAM vendor leads to higher rankings on this list. 
  • Quality of development. How modern is the tech stack? How aggressively is the EAM vendor pushing cloud-native functionality for this product? Is the roadmap officially announced? Or uncertain?
  • Community/Ecosystem. How vibrant is the community? Social media groups? In-person user groups? Forums?
  • Depth of native functionality. Last-mile functionality for specific industries natively built into the product?
  • Quality of publicly available product documentation. How well-documented is the product? Is the documentation available publicly? How updated is the demo content available on YouTube?
  • Product share and documented commitment. Is the product share reported separately in financial statements if the EAM vendor is public?
  • Ability to natively support diversified business models. How diverse is the product in supporting multiple business models in the same product?
  • Acquisition strategy aligned with the product: Any recent acquisitions to fill a specific hole for EAM industries? Any official announcements to integrate recently acquired capabilities?
  • User Reviews: How specific are the reviews about this product’s capabilities? How recent and frequent are the reviews?
  • Must be a best-of-breed EAM product: Only products that can be deployed independently without requiring other dependencies such as ERP, CRM, CAD, or MES.

10. Assetworks

Assetworks is ideal for companies seeking a smaller solution in North America with traceability and maintenance requirements of buildings and fleets. Despite supporting diverse asset types compared to smaller solutions, it might not be the best for large, global companies seeking a centralized solution covering many geographic areas and layers with asset types, which would be available with more enterprise-grade solutions such as IFS or IBM Maximo. They might also not be suitable for companies where inventory and cost tracking is a higher priority than mobile and user experience, securing its place at #10 spot on our list of top EAM systems. 

  • SMB-friendly. Assetworks offers a more affordable implementation and is well-suited for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Can cover both properties and fleets. It can manage both properties and fleets. Typically, the workflows for facilities and fleets differ significantly because fleet management systems often have deep integrations with OEMs, while building-centric solutions might require integration with cities and emergency communication systems.
  • Polling features​. It supports polling features, which is helpful for companies requiring real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance.
  • Limited to a few geographies. One limitation you may encounter with Assetworks is its restricted coverage in certain regions. If your operations span multiple locations, it may not support all of them. 
  • It is not as cross-functionally integrated as adding inventory manually. Handling inventory costing or serialization scenarios would be a challenge because of text-based inventory on its business objects and form.
  • Enterprise search for complex scenarios like inventory items​. Typically, enterprise search requires inventory items to be coded. If your inventory is text-based, it becomes difficult for the system to support those search capabilities that other more advanced systems offer.

ERP Selection: The Ultimate Guide

This is an in-depth guide with over 80 pages and covers every topic as it pertains to ERP selection in sufficient detail to help you make an informed decision.

9. Aveva

Aveva is ideal for OT-centric and industry 4.0 industries seeking a pure-play platform – without future expectations of supporting newer business models (or asset types). Providing the integration with hardware vendors, it’s an ideal fit for companies caring for tight embeddedness in their engineering and MES workflows embedded within the same suite. This architecture generally disconnects the operational and financial aspects but might be beneficial for companies prioritizing their plant operations over the needs of other departments at the corporate level, making its name at #9 spot on our list of top EAM systems.

  • OT-friendly. Aveva is OT-friendly compared to other platforms on this list, supporting the relevant machine and edge integrations required in this industry compared to other platforms on this list.
  • MES and engineering workflows are part of the suite. Organizations prioritizing the embeddedness of EAM workflows with engineering and MES would find Aveva attractive.
  • Global footprint​. Compared to smaller point solutions such as AssetWorks, Aveva can support relatively global organizations.
  • Legacy UI. The technology is outdated and clunky, so the user interface won’t be as modern as that of other platforms.
  • Might not be fit for every industry. It may not be suitable for every industry as it’s primarily an industry-specific solution covering assets and integration relevant to equipment manufacturers and industry 4.0 industries.
  • It is not as easy to learn and implement as other smaller solutions​. It could be more challenging to learn and implement as its layers designed for mid-market organizations might be overwhelming for smaller organizations.

8. UpKeep Maintenance Management

Similar to smaller-sized systems such as Assetworks, UpKeep maintenance management is a smaller point solution relevant for SMBs seeing a cloud-native, easier-to-use, and mobile-friendly solution. But these benefits come with compromises, which would be relevant for slightly larger organizations caring for slightly more detailed transactions and data integrity. It might not also be relevant for companies seeking global and diverse asset types, securing its spot at #8 spot on our list of top EAM systems.

  • SMB-friendly. SMB companies that are limited in budget and technical skill sets would find it relatively easier to implement and use.
    Affordable. The solution targets smaller companies and does not layer for mid-sized and enterprise companies, making it super affordable and lightweight for the smaller customer segment it serves.
  • Mobile-friendly​. Since the underlying technology is cloud-native and the data models are not as connected to prioritize user experience, the solution will be user-friendly compared to other larger solutions.
  • Limited asset and location hierarchies. This would be a challenge for companies maintaining complex asset types and locations where hierarchies would be critical.
  • Glitches reported by users. Some users have reported experiencing glitches with the system. With smaller systems that may not be as well-funded, you might encounter similar issues.
  • Scalability issues with complex scenarios such as re-occurring work orders​. Intricate billing scenarios and subscription billing might be challenging to manage with this solution.

7. Brightly (Siemens) Asset Essentials

Brightly Asset Essentials, now owned by Siemens, would primarily be software for companies using Siemens machines without the need for additional workflows or an appetite for other software. Due to Siemens’ focus primarily on selling their machines, and this being an add-on feature, it might not receive the same amount of R&D (or attention) as software providers whose core business is to sell software. Also, the competing machine providers would not be as integrated with their software because the goal of the software is to have vendor lock-in. If you are looking for an agnostic option covering more than what this offers, this might not be the best option. But if you can’t afford another software (or have limited use cases just to track and maintain Siemens machines), this would be a great option, securing its spot at #7 on our list of top EAM systems.

  • SMB-friendly. Primarily a very similar software as AssetWorks for Siemens to differentiate with other machines and have control over their customer’s installations.
  • Ease of use. Just like AssetWorks or UpKeep, this would be fairly easy to use due to limited process and data layers, with the primary use being Siemens able to control and report about their machines.
  • Cheaper implementation​. Since the data and process layers are relatively simpler and machines are limited to Siemens, the implementation is likely to be super lean.
  • Limited reporting. Substantially limited reporting with the use cases limited to what matters to Siemens.
  • Limited scalability for enterprise use cases and asset types​. You will face limited scalability for enterprise use cases if you’re searching for a true enterprise asset management platform that can effectively manage technician workflows and preventive maintenance across various asset types. This may not be the most suitable option.

6. MaintainX

MaintainX is comparable to UpKeep Maintenance and Assetworks, but it is slightly larger and more mid-market friendly than Assetworks. From a technology standpoint, it is cloud-native, mobile-friendly, and offers more layers than Assetworks. Its key strengths are that it’s mid-market friendly, easy to learn and configure, and designed with mobile accessibility in mind. Hence, MaintainX secures the #6 spot on our list of top EAM systems. 

  • Mid-market friendly. It is designed specifically for mid-market businesses, offering features that cater to their unique needs. 
  • Easy to learn and configure. MaintainX boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy to learn and configure for new users. 
  • Mobile-friendly​. It is designed with mobile accessibility in mind, allowing users to manage assets and maintenance tasks.
  • More suitable for facility management than fleet. Another limitation of MaintainX is that it is better suited for facility management than for fleet management. While it can handle complex facility management scenarios with multiple layers, it may not be the ideal choice for transportation companies with in-house fleets.
  • Scalability issues with complex datasets such as nested locations. There are scalability issues with complex data sets, like nested locations, as the layers are generally limited. Overall, this product is not designed for enterprise use. It is focused on the mid-market segment, resulting in those limitations.
  • Limited security layers. Due to its focus on mid-market, it doesn’t support as detailed security layers as required by enterprises.

5. Fiix

Fiix is also a mid-market-friendly system, with MaintainX being a suitable comparison. It is a cloud-native, mobile-friendly platform that is easy to learn and configure, offering a user-friendly experience similar to MaintainX. In terms of size, it’s larger than smaller systems such as AssetWorks or UpKeep maintenance but smaller than other enterprise-grade systems that may have many detailed security and data layers, securing its spot at #5 on our list of top EAM systems.

  • Mid-market friendly. It is designed specifically for mid-market businesses, offering features that cater to their unique needs. 
  • Easy to learn and configure. Fiix boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy to learn and configure for new users. 
  • Mobile-friendly​. It is designed with mobile accessibility in mind, allowing users to manage assets and maintenance tasks.
  • Limited auditability and controls on work orders. The workflow controls for companies seeking audibility, especially around asset availability or inventory, are likely to be limited, causing issues for companies that care for tighter scheduling and costing processes – along with the collaboration aspect of the system.
  • Limited scalability for enterprise use cases and asset types. There is limited scalability for enterprise use cases and asset types, which means it may not support all the hierarchies found in systems like IFS or IBM Maximo. These systems offer richer asset types with more detailed hierarchies (and use cases) to accommodate enterprise-grade scenarios.
  • Data integrity issues are caused by the loose data model​. The data model is not as coded as the larger peers – as the system prioritizes user experience over data integrity and control. So, you are likely to have data integrity issues, requiring manual maintenance and governance.

4. Oracle EAM 

Oracle EAM is an enterprise-grade asset management product particularly suited for companies using Oracle Cloud ERP. Offering more advanced data models compared to smaller SMB-focused systems, it handles complex asset hierarchies and diverse asset types. However, it lacks the pre-built integrations often found in smaller solutions, leading to a more challenging and resource-intensive implementation. The learning curve is steeper, and using the system generally requires more internal and external expertise, making it harder to use overall. Therefore, Oracle EAM secures the #4 spot on our list of top EAM systems.

  • Enterprise-grade capabilities. From a data model perspective, this products offer much more, but they may lack the numerous pre-built integrations found in smaller systems targeting the SMB sector. 
  • Predictive maintenance based on real-time sensor data analytics. Predictive maintenance relies on real-time sensor data analytics, which is included in the Oracle EAM portfolio. However, implementing these capabilities will require significant consulting support.
  • Supports complex assets to support reliability analysis​. Supporting complex assets for reliability is essential, especially in sectors like IT, media, and telecom. When aiming to meet reliability metrics and SLAs, particularly when managing customer assets.
  • Expensive. Oracle EAM will be expensive from the implementation perspective as it requires a lot of consulting help. 
  • Steep learning curve. The learning curve will be steeper, as is typical with enterprise products, and you will likely need extensive customization during the implementation process.
  • Might require add-ons for integrated capabilities​. The integrated capabilities that might be available with smaller systems might be vanilla with larger systems – as they serve a diverse set of industries, missing specific capabilities for micro-verticals (and asset types).

ERP Selection Requirements Template

This resource provides the template that you need to capture the requirements of different functional areas, processes, and teams.

3. IBM Maximo

IBM Maximo is one of the most widely adopted asset management products, particularly for enterprises, excelling in sectors like public services and non-profits. Its key strength lies in its deep enterprise-grade capabilities to handle complex scenarios, hierarchies, and diverse asset types. Architecturally, it’s similar to Oracle EAM, offering strong data and process models but lacking pre-built integrations. Like Oracle EAM, Maximo can be difficult to use, requiring extensive training, change management, and a significant investment in implementation. However, its high customizability allows for extensive support of unique data models and processes. Therefore, IBM Maximo has secured the #3 spot on our list of top EAM systems. 

  • Enterprise-grade capabilities. It possesses robust enterprise-grade capabilities designed to handle all of those complex scenarios.
  • Hierarchies and attributes. From the IBM Maximo perspective, hierarchies and attributes are crucial, as each asset may require tracking thousands of attributes for effective reporting and planning. 
  • Complex scheduling rules and workflows. Complex scheduling rules and workflows are necessary when managing numerous assets for both yourself and your clients. In this context, IBM Maximo is likely to be an excellent fit due to its enterprise-grade capabilities.
  • Limited mobile capabilities. They are going to be fairly limited compared to other EAM systems mentioned in this list because of their legacy technology and tight data model. 
  • Steep learning curve. The learning curve will be steeper, as is typical with enterprise products, and you will likely need extensive customization during the implementation process.
  • Might require add-on for BIM integration​. The smaller products are likely to support pre-baked integrations, more in the plug-and-play form, because of the fluidity of their data model, which might not be possible with enterprise products such as IBM Maximo.


HxGN EAM is also an enterprise-grade asset management solution. Previously owned by Infor, Hexagon now maintains a close alignment with existing Infor installations. However, as a machine provider, Hexagon’s primary focus is on selling its machinery, which leads to tighter integration with its asset management product. While HxGN EAM offers slightly more advanced enterprise capabilities, its incentive is to integrate closely with its own assets to drive sales. It is comparable to IBM Maximo and Oracle EAM but is generally more friendly towards OT applications. In contrast, it may not provide as many layers or detailed capabilities for property management or transportation management scenarios. Therefore, HxGN EAM has secure the #2 spot on our list of top EAM systems. 

  • Detailed user privileges. The user privileges in HxGN EAM are quite detailed compared to other smaller point solutions. 
  • Ability to support complex asset installations. Like other Infor products, it excels in workflow, security, user-controlled processes, and customization. This makes it particularly useful for managing and supporting complex asset installations.
  • Enterprise-grade capabilities to support most asset types​. If you’re a manufacturer with a wide variety of assets to track and maintain, HxGN EAM could be an excellent fit. Similar to IBM Maximo, it offers enterprise-grade capabilities to support various asset types, making it a strong choice for enterprise environments.
  • Legacy UI. The limitations of HxGN EAM are similar to IBM Maximo, particularly with its legacy user interface, as it’s built on older technology. While IBM Maximo has made some advancements in cloud and data technology, making it slightly faster, HxGN EAM still operates with a more dated UI.
  • Limited mobile capabilities. The legacy technology and tight data model prevent the same fluid experience that is generally found with smaller systems.
  • Poorly documented​. Users report the software is not as well documented, requiring consulting help with ongoing maintenance and support.


IFS EAM is an enterprise-grade asset management solution that is widely adopted in industries such as MRO, airlines, oil and gas, and telecom. With their workflows closely integrated with field service operations, these sectors typically require complex scheduling and management of intricate assets. A significant advantage of IFS is its two best-of-breed enterprise-grade products, field service management, and enterprise asset management, which work seamlessly together for these industries. Compared to other enterprise-grade solutions like IBM Maximo or Hexagon EAM, IFS offers superior technology, making it somewhat easier to use. Therefore, IFS has secured the #1 spot on our list of top EAM systems.

  • Ease of use. When compared to other enterprise-grade products like IBM Maximo and Hexagon EAM, IFS technology stands out as superior.
  • Enterprise-grade capabilities. IFS EAM features an underlying data model that supports enterprise-grade scenarios, encompassing capabilities, customization, and workflow security. All these functionalities are integral to the IFS EAM system.
  • Strong predictive maintenance and facility maintenance capabilities​.
  • Limited language packs. The language packs are not as comprehensive as enterprise companies would expect for global deployments.
  • It would require consulting help. Since the product is highly complex and designed for enterprise use cases – with thousands of layers of dependencies within their data model, it requires substantial consulting help with implementation (and ongoing upkeep of the system).
  • Expensive​. SMBs not caring for enterprise layers might feel that the product is relatively more expensive than other smaller point solutions.

ERP Implementation Failure Recovery

Learn how Frederick Wildman struggled with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP implementation failure even after spending over $5M and what options they had for recovery.


In summary, choosing the right EAM system is a complex decision influenced by various factors, including industry needs, company size, and the specific asset types involved. This list highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the top EAM systems, ranging from SMB-friendly, budget-conscious options to enterprise-grade solutions with advanced capabilities for larger organizations. Whether a company prioritizes mobile accessibility, ease of integration, or highly detailed functionality, each solution has unique advantages and limitations that make it suitable for specific applications. By understanding the nuances of each EAM system, buyers can make informed choices aligned with their asset management goals. While this list offers valuable insights, seeking advice from an independent ERP consultant can greatly enhance the implementation success.


Top 10 Marketing Automation Systems In 2024

Marketing Automation. The noisiest category ever – due to lower barriers to entry. Generally, falling within the CRM systems category, specifically handling upstream marketing efforts. One key component is email marketing, but they also include SMS marketing and omnichannel capabilities, often integrating with CMS. Whether embedding widgets on websites through a CMS within the marketing automation framework – or using an external system, all these channels feed into the marketing automation system. 

Historically, these systems were siloed, with CRMs focused primarily on data storage and operational workflows from a downstream marketing viewpoint. Marketing automation systems lived in their own world, as they didn’t need to be as tightly embedded as other transactional systems. But things changed as upstream marketing use cases matured and with their resulting traceability requirements. Some CRM systems acquired these point solutions, offering a complete suite. On the other hand, other vendors stronger in marketing automation capabilities built a CRM module from scratch within the same product suite. Built products are likely to provide a consistent experience. The acquired products, in comparison, may not have as consistent experience or tight integration, but they may offer the best-of-breed experience some companies prefer. This is how the marketing automation category has evolved.

Top 10 Marketing Automation Systems In 2024

In this context, we’re capturing systems that are both part of a suite and best-of-breed solutions. From an architectural perspective, marketing automation systems differ slightly, focusing more on workflows rather than processing transactions, which is more common in operationally focused CRMs. Integration and ecosystem are critical for marketing automation, and these integrations tend to be simpler because the systems aren’t as database-driven; they’re more workflow-oriented. This makes their design, mindset, and architecture distinct. You might already be confused, but don’t worry – we got you – with this article, which provides much-needed clarity on these systems.

The 2025 Digital Transformation Report

Thinking of embarking on a ERP journey and looking for a digital transformation report? Want to learn the best practices of digital transformation? Then, you have come to the right place.


  • Definition of a marketing automation system. The companies in this market segment would include companies of all sizes needing a marketing automation system as a pure-play category that can be deployed without requiring other dependencies.
  • Overall market share/# of customers. The higher market share among marketing automation companies drives higher rankings on this list.
  • Ownership/funding. The superior financial position of the marketing automation vendor leads to higher rankings on this list. 
  • Quality of development. How modern is the tech stack? How aggressively is the marketing automation vendor pushing cloud-native functionality for this product? Is the roadmap officially announced? Or uncertain?
  • Community/Ecosystem. How vibrant is the community? Social media groups? In-person user groups? Forums?
  • Depth of native functionality. Last-mile functionality for specific industries natively built into the product?
  • Quality of publicly available product documentation. How well-documented is the product? Is the documentation available publicly? How updated is the demo content available on YouTube?
  • Product share and documented commitment. Is the product share reported separately in financial statements if the marketing automation vendor is public?
  • Ability to natively support diversified business models. How diverse is the product in supporting multiple business models in the same product?
  • Acquisition strategy aligned with the product: Any recent acquisitions to fill a specific hole for marketing automation industries? Any official announcements to integrate recently acquired capabilities?
  • User Reviews: How specific are the reviews about this product’s capabilities? How recent and frequent are the reviews?
  • Must be a best-of-breed marketing automation product: Only products that can be deployed independently without requiring other dependencies such as transactional systems or CRM.

10. Zoho Marketing Automation

Zoho Marketing Automation is designed for companies beginning their marketing automation journey on a budget. Its licensing is more affordable than that of other marketing automation systems. Offering deep integration within its own ecosystem and a robust CRM, it’s suitable for slightly more operationally complex scenarios. If a company has ad hoc customer interaction needs that require capturing various custom objects (and workflows), Zoho is likely a good fit. Therefore, Zoho secures the #10 spot on our list of top marketing automation systems. 

  • Workflow automation and forms. Key strength is its workflow automation and form capabilities. Zoho also includes the Zoho Creator platform, which is quite similar to Microsoft’s Power Platform. 
  • Salesforce-like data model. The data model is very similar to Salesforce, allowing operational and transactional scenarios – and not struggling as much with complex hierarchies of business objects required in certain industries.
  • Journey builder for omni-channel experiences​. While Zoho covers several modes to build omni-channel experiences, it might not be as comprehensive as systems such as Braze or Klaviyo, which might offer pre-baked B2C scenarios such as real-time interactive experiences.
  • Ecosystem not as robust as HubSpot. The ecosystem is not as robust as that of some other comparable platforms, requiring building most integrations with third-party platforms and increasing implementation costs.
  • Not meant to be for enterprise use cases. With the substantial limitations baked with its business objects, such as the number of fields (or typed fields) allowed on a business object, it is not specifically designed for enterprise use cases.
  • Not as natively integrated with data platforms. One key limitation would be its ecosystem of pre-integrated data platforms that might be required for either funneling MQLs automatically to the CRM (or for personalization and segmentation).

ERP Selection: The Ultimate Guide

This is an in-depth guide with over 80 pages and covers every topic as it pertains to ERP selection in sufficient detail to help you make an informed decision.

9. MailChimp

MailChimp is aimed at companies seeking a simpler CRM solution, primarily for B2C industries. It might also be relevant for B2B startups – as long as it’s used as a pure-play marketing automation platform. This would be for simpler B2B use cases, such as sending newsletters with relatively simpler tracking requirements (and customer hierarchies). Tailored for startups, it lacks the robust security features of other platforms. Customizability can also be limited, making it less suitable for mid-market, enterprise, or apartment market companies. Therefore, Mailchimp secures the #9 spot on our list of top marketing automation systems.

  • Audiences. It maintains several audiences with different subscription preferences (and communication needs). But note that the same contact included with multiple audiences is treated as a different contact, requiring paying twice for the same contact.
  • Segments and Campaign Builder. The campaign builder is easy to use and can be picked up easily by most business users. But note the limitations on the number of journeys allowed with each plan.
  • Support​. As of today, MailChimp support is decent and responsive, making it easier for startups with limited implementation and support budgets.
  • Limited security layers compared to Pardot. The security layers it provides are not as robust compared to those available with HubSpot or Salesforce.
  • Would require an additional CRM. You would need an additional CRM, as this platform may not function effectively for transactional use cases or for downstream workflows. 
  • Limited reporting​. The pre-baked reporting is substantially limited. Getting meaningful data to design campaigns might not be as easy – and at times not even possible, without over-engineered (and risky) ad-hoc arrangements.

8. ClickDimensions

ClickDimensions is part of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 ecosystem. The core CRM features within the Microsoft platform are robust, allowing for the accommodation and customization of various business models. But it’s not as robust for upstream marketing automation features, hence the need for a ClickDimensions add-on. But even ClickDimension is limited. For upstream marketing and comprehensive omnichannel traceability, including CMS integrations with multiple platforms in the Microsoft ecosystem, ClickDimensions falls short. It lacks the richness and integration of capabilities found in platforms like HubSpot or Salesforce Pardot. Therefore, ClickDimensions secures the #8 spot on our list of top marketing automation systems.

  • Marketing automation workflows. You will have access to essential marketing automation workflows that are sufficiently robust to ensure a strong alignment with Microsoft Dynamics products.
  • Tight alignment for MS 365. To maintain a strong alignment with Microsoft Dynamics products, ClickDimensions may be the only embedded and integrated option available unless you consider expensive, custom integration. 
  • Well-adopted platform in the MS ecosystem. Additionally, it is widely accepted within the Microsoft ecosystem, making it a significant advantage for companies using Microsoft solutions.
  • Very small player compared to other platforms. The limitations you may encounter include being a relatively small player in comparison to others in the market. Their R&D budget is limited, which means they won’t have the same capabilities as larger platforms like HubSpot or Salesforce.
  • Limited omnichannel capabilities. The channel capabilities are going to be limited and not natively integrated with data platforms.
  • Not as natively integrated with data platforms. There is no native integration with data platforms. For instance, when considering integrations with services like ZoomInfo or Apollo, the options may be either limited or entirely absent.

7. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Apps

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Apps has a Customer Insights product, which is primarily a CDP product that can integrate with several marketing automation execution systems. However, even Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights could be used for simpler marketing automation workflows, and it is used by companies on their ERP or CRM. The biggest challenge with the product would be to manage richer omnichannel and personalization scenarios possible with other marketing automation products such as Klaviyo or Braze. Therefore, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Apps secures the #7 spot on our list of top marketing automation systems. 

  • Customer journeys. Straightforward customer journeys can be easily managed without requiring another specialized system for marketing automation. 
  • Tight embeddedness with MS stack. Marketing could be a suitable option since it is already integrated with the core product, eliminating the need to navigate third-party contracts or systems.
  • Strong embedded CRM and field services workflows​. This is especially true from a customer service and call center standpoint, where you’ll likely need extensive integrations.
  • Limited CMS, social, and ad workflows. The limitations you may encounter include restricted integrations with your CMS and data platforms. You won’t find as many integration options available, particularly when it comes to social media and advertising workflows, which may also be limited.
  • Ecosystem not strong with upstream marketing and data providers. But for simpler marketing automation workflows, it’s not a bad option.
  • Rigid user and security model. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the positive side, if your data is highly structured and relational, you may find this rigidity beneficial. However, it may also make it more challenging to leverage the flexibility offered by systems like HubSpot or Salesforce.

6. ActiveCampaign

Active Campaign is aimed at companies seeking a more affordable option. Generally, marketing automation systems determine their pricing based on the number of subscribed emails and the monthly email volume. This pricing structure can lead to high costs, especially with platforms like HubSpot or Pardot, which can be quite expensive for businesses that send numerous emails but sell lower-priced products. This pricing model can be a barrier for many companies, making Active Campaign a more cost-effective choice compared to other platforms. Therefore, ActiveCampaign secures the #6 spot on our list of top marketing automation systems. 

  • Core marketing automation workflows. The core marketing automation workflows are integrated into the suite, providing a comprehensive solution. These workflows streamline various marketing tasks, making them an essential part of the overall platform.
  • Cost. ActiveCampaign offers more competitive pricing compared to other platforms. Additionally, it provides a more robust suite of features than MailChimp.
  • Well-adopted​. ActiveCampaign is widely adopted, particularly when compared to platforms like ClickDimensions or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. It boasts a significantly higher number of installations, especially within the email marketing community, and is a well-established product in the space.
  • Not as comprehensive as other options. In terms of capabilities, it doesn’t offer the same level of comprehensiveness as some of the other available options.
  • Limited ecosystem. Their ecosystem would not be as robust as HubSpot or Salesforce, with the number of options available for data platforms, ad and omnichannel integrations, and CMS providers.
  • Does not have a CRM as part of the suite​. It lacks a true CRM component for transactional and downstream CRM workflows within the suite, unlike other products such as Salesforce or Microsoft.

5. Klaviyo

Klaviyo has gained significant popularity recently, particularly among companies operating in a B2C ecosystem. Customer journeys in B2C environments tend to focus on managing touchpoints from a purchase cycle perspective rather than engaging with various touchpoints through content. As a result, Klaviyo is an excellent fit for companies looking to streamline and optimize these purchase-driven interactions. Therefore, Klaviyo secures the #5 spot on our list of top marketing automation systems. 

  • B2C-specific journeys and integrations. Customer journeys with B2C companies are distinct, focusing on managing touchpoints from the purchase cycle perspective rather than driving touchpoints through content. This is where Klaviyo’s strength lies, as it is well-suited for handling B2C journey management effectively.
  • Easy to use and implement. One of the biggest advantages of Klaviyo is that it’s easier for business users to use compared to other enterprise platforms, such as Braze. Platforms such as Braze might require technical expertise for channel integration and data workflows.
  • Friendly for companies on Shopify​. Klaviyo is deeply integrated into the Shopify ecosystem and is widely adopted among Shopify users. If you’re a product-centric or commerce-focused company using Shopify, Klaviyo could be a more suitable option for your needs.
  • Billing based on active profiles and usage could be trickier to understand. The billing process can be more complex, and estimating costs may also pose challenges. Their pricing model is based on active profiles or usage, and consumption-based pricing can often be difficult to predict. 
  • Not fit for B2B companies. The B2B companies have very different customer structures and marketing automation workflows compared to the event-centric and real-time workflows of B2C. So, B2B companies might struggle with it.
  • Expensive. Klaviyo could be expensive for companies that are heavy on emails compared to other platforms on this list.

4. Oracle Eloqua 

It is an excellent choice for companies with a slight enterprise focus, especially those using Oracle Cloud CX. Oracle acquired Eloqua, a powerful enterprise-grade product, and integrated it into its Oracle Marketing suite. This solution is particularly well-suited for B2C industries like media and telecommunications, where there are numerous customer touchpoints. Oracle Eloqua excels in ad-centric customer journeys, offering robust content management and other key capabilities as part of the same suite. Additionally, it provides enterprise-level workflows, supporting seamless alignment with field service and call center operations. Therefore, Oracle Eloqua secures the #4 spot on our list of top marketing automation systems. 

  • Enterprise-grade capabilities include landing pages, webinars, events, and depth with custom objects. Enterprise-grade capabilities, including enterprise security, landing pages, webinars, and events, are all part of this solution. 
  • Pre-built integration with Oracle CX. One key advantage is that it is tightly embedded and integrated with Oracles’ other applications. So that’s a huge plus for companies already using other Oracle enterprise apps seeking connectivity and traceability with other downstream applications.
  • Omnichannel workflows. The platform is relatively omnichannel, but it might not be as plug-and-play and fluid as other modern platforms such as Klaviyo.
  • Integration not as embedded with CRM. While Eloqua is integrated with the CRM, but the experience might be as embedded as with products created from scratch for seamless collaboration between these two systems, such as HubSpot.
  • Steep learning curve. Its enterprise workflow and security layers might be overwhelming for SMB customers looking for simpler solutions with a limited implementation budget.
  • Expensive​. SMBs might not appreciate the price tag – and some of the capabilities offered might not even be relevant for the SMBs.

ERP Selection Requirements Template

This resource provides the template that you need to capture the requirements of different functional areas, processes, and teams.

3. Adobe Marketo Engage

Adobe Marketer Engage is a robust enterprise-level product that is comparable to solutions like Eloqua and Salesforce’s Pardot. With capabilities baked in, such as events providing omnichannel experiences for design-heavy organizations such as B2C and media, it’s friendlier for B2C industries. It offers advanced capabilities for consolidating various channels, including web ads, into a unified portfolio. This tool enables businesses to track engagements and monitor customer journeys across multiple platforms, making it an ideal solution for enterprises looking to manage and optimize their marketing efforts on a large scale. Therefore, Adobe Marketo Engage secures the #3 spot on our list of top marketing automation systems. 

  • Customizability for enterprise use cases. Workflow and security layers are highly customizable for enterprise use cases.
  • Robust campaign program management features. Larger organizations generally have programs with multiple campaigns covering many different organization-wide goals, needing enterprise-grade capabilities for campaign program management that might not be relevant for SMBs.
  • Event partner integration​. The event capabilities are highly critical for media and event companies as they need to manage their communication as part of the same platform used for event logistics management.
  • Expensive. SMBs not looking for enterprise features generally find it expensive.
  • Legacy feeling. The UI is fairly legacy compared to other products. 
  • Requires coding skills to build landing pages​. Business users might need to work with developers for simpler workflows that are as simple as building landing pages.

2. Salesforce Marketing Automation (Pardot)

Salesforce marketing automation is an excellent choice for enterprise companies already using Salesforce CRM, although it works with other CRM products, too. Its strengths include the ability to create custom fields on core Salesforce objects for marketing automation and the availability of an exposed SQL layer, which allows for detailed analysis and segmentation—offering a level of granularity that is often not found in competing products. However, the integration with core CRM objects remains relatively shallow, limiting end-to-end traceability and making it feel as though users are navigating two separate silos, securing the #2 spot on our list of the top marketing automation systems.

  • Enterprise-grade custom fields on top of the core CRM objects. One major advantage of the Pardot product is the ability to create custom fields on top of the core Salesforce objects for marketing automation purposes.
  • SQL-based querying and analytics capabilities. Another key feature is the exposed SQL layer, allowing for in-depth analysis of various scenarios from a segmentation perspective. This level of granularity is rare among other products on the market, making it more suitable for enterprise use.
  • Enterprise-grade security​. Workflow security is essential, particularly for large marketing teams, as it helps control email campaigns. Also, establishing approval workflows and implementing workflow security is crucial; it allows you to restrict access and manage marketing automation processes effectively. 
  • Not as embedded experience with Salesforce CRM. It often feels like operating in two separate silos for companies seeking seamless integration between their CRM and marketing automation components.
  • Expensive. Salesforce marketing cloud is more expensive than other smaller point solutions with simpler workflow and security layers.
  • Steep learning curve​. Enterprise-grade workflows and security layers require substantial training for users with limited technical skills.

1. HubSpot

HubSpot is ideal for content-driven B2B organizations heavy on upstream marketing workflows requiring tight embeddedness with their web workflows. It is widely adopted and integrated platforms, particularly in the marketing automation and CMS space, providing seamless integration with ad platforms, CMS systems, and data providers. Its pre-built integrations make it ideal for consolidating customer interactions and marketing strategies. However, HubSpot’s limitations arise in complex operational use cases, as its object structure and customizability may not meet the needs of companies heavy on transactional and operational workflows. Hence, HubSpot secures the #1 spot on our list of the top marketing automation systems. 

  • Ecosystem. HubSpot has one of the most vibrant ecosystems, especially when it comes to connecting with various ad platforms or data platforms that are part of the marketing stack.
  • Integration with upstream marketing providers such as CMS and data companies. The integration with upstream marketing providers, like CMS and data companies, is also included, especially if you’re using HubSpot CMS. 
  • Embedded CMS. It is likely to be one of the most widely adopted platforms in the CMS community as well. The other systems may rely on third-party CMS systems, limiting the interconnectedness and seamless interactions between these two systems.
  • Weak object structure for core CRM, such as parent-child relationships. The core object structure of HubSpot, particularly in operational scenarios, is weaker compared to other systems defined for transactional and downstream workflows such as HubSpot or Zoho. 
  • Limited customizability for enterprise use cases. When it comes to customizability for complex operational use cases, HubSpot is significantly limited.
  • Not meant to be for commerce-driven B2C industries​. Commerce workflows require different events and integration, along with the object structure. HubSpot is not necessarily designed for B2C-centric industries.

ERP Implementation Failure Recovery

Learn how Frederick Wildman struggled with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP implementation failure even after spending over $5M and what options they had for recovery.


The evolution of marketing automation has created a diverse ecosystem, where each platform brings unique strengths and limitations to the table. Platforms like HubSpot and Salesforce Pardot dominate with their strong integration capabilities and enterprise-grade features, making them suitable for complex workflows and large organizations. Meanwhile, options like Zoho and MailChimp serve smaller businesses and startups by offering more accessible, cost-effective solutions, though they may lack robust integrations and advanced security features found in enterprise systems. While this list offers valuable insights, seeking advice from an independent ERP consultant can greatly enhance your implementation success.


Top 10 Process Manufacturing ERP Systems In 2024

Process manufacturing companies. Varying substantially with their ERP needs, process manufacturing companies produce goods using a formula or recipe. Such manufacturing typically involves continuous or batch production processes and is common in industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and petrochemicals. Unlike discrete manufacturing, which assembles products from distinct parts, process manufacturing produces items that cannot be disassembled into their original components. These companies often deal with complex inventory and require sophisticated supply chain planning.

Process manufacturing processes. The fundamental difference between process manufacturing companies and other companies would be the complexity of formulas and recipes that drive their processes. The processes might also vary with their supply chain planning as the large majority of process manufacturers are likely to be make-to-stock, with heavy inventory and supply chain operations. The commoditized industries such as food, pharma, and chemicals are likely to have substantial Direct Store Delivery (DSD) operations with a heavy focus on eCommerce. Depending upon the product mix, new product development (NPD) would be critical with the flavors of discrete manufacturing in the form of managing their own packaging lines.

Top 10 Process Manufacturing ERP Systems In 2024

Process manufacturing ERP needs. Process manufacturing companies require ERP systems that can handle formulation and recipe throughout the R&D and production phases. Depending upon the business model whether the process manufacturer is more contract-based or an OEM, the need for quality could vary per customer or customer group. These systems must also support integration with ancillary systems such as process-specific PLMs, MES and WFM, and value chain planning and forecasting. Finally, some industries such as pharma and chemicals might require a unique data structure to accommodate distinct requirements such as capturing multiple serial and lot numbers together, making the generalized ERP systems irrelevant for this industry vertical.

The 2025 Digital Transformation Report

Thinking of embarking on a ERP journey and looking for a digital transformation report? Want to learn the best practices of digital transformation? Then, you have come to the right place.


  • Definition of a process manufacturing company. These companies in the process manufacturing ecosystem include manufacturers formulating recipe processes to produce products in industries such as pharma, nutraceuticals, cannabis, food and beverage, etc. The list considers companies of all sizes in this ecosystem.
  • Overall market share/# of customers. The higher market share among process manufacturing companies drives higher rankings on this list.
  • Ownership/funding. The superior financial position of the ERP vendor leads to higher rankings on this list. 
  • Quality of development. How modern is the tech stack? How aggressively is the ERP vendor pushing cloud-native functionality for this product? Is the roadmap officially announced? Or uncertain?
  • Community/Ecosystem. How vibrant is the community? Social media groups? In-person user groups? Forums?
  • Depth of native functionality. Last-mile functionality for specific industries natively built into the product?
  • Quality of publicly available product documentation. How well-documented is the product? Is the documentation available publicly? How updated is the demo content available on YouTube?
  • Product share and documented commitment. Is the product share reported separately in financial statements if the ERP vendor is public?
  • Ability to natively support diversified business models. How diverse is the product in supporting multiple business models in the same product?
  • Acquisition strategy aligned with the product: Any recent acquisitions to fill a specific hole for process manufacturing industries? Any official announcements to integrate recently acquired capabilities?
  • User Reviews: How specific are the reviews about this product’s capabilities? How recent and frequent are the reviews?
  • Must be an ERP product: Edge products such as HCM, CRM, eCommerce, MES, or accounting solutions that are not fully integrated to support enterprise-wide capabilities are not qualified for this list.

10. Acumatica

Acumatica is primarily a discrete product and does not have native process manufacturing capabilities. However, the add-ons available in their ecosystem are very strong, and they have robust alliances with these companies. This makes Acumatica a potential threat in the process manufacturing sector over time. It is ideal for smaller process manufacturing companies operating US, Canada, UK, and Australia​.

Acumatica could be a significant contender for industries that require both process manufacturing and discrete manufacturing. The process manufacturing capabilities, combined with field service, construction, distribution, and e-commerce, will all be part of the same database, providing end-to-end traceability across these functions. If these capabilities are important to you, then Acumatica could be an excellent choice. Therefore, Acumatica secures the #10 spot on our list of top process manufacturing ERP systems.

  • Technology. Acumatica is very cloud-native, and its process manufacturing add-ons are designed with similar development standards and documentation guidelines.
  • Core ERP layers. The core ERP layers are very strong, especially for smaller companies outgrowing QuickBooks or the smaller ERP systems.
  • Ideal for seasonal businesses​. It’s also a better fit for seasonal businesses, especially in process manufacturing industries. Seasonal businesses, such as those in the food industry, often benefit from this model. Pricing and licensing may be slightly more favorable for these businesses.
  • Quality and process manufacturing module through third parties. You should be aware of the risks, including integration risks. Implementation might also be more expensive due to the various moving parts involved.
  • Not suitable for companies requiring global financial consolidation. Acumatica has limited global capabilities for process companies seeking synergies among global entities.
  • Not suitable for large companies​. It is not designed for large process manufacturing companies.

9. ECI Deacom

ECI Deacom is a smaller product than Acumatica but offers slightly superior capabilities as part of its suite. It integrates all the components required for process manufacturing. It is ideal for smaller process manufacturing companies seeking suite capabilities​. With Acumatica, reliance on third-party add-ons and dealing with more vendors is necessary, whereas, with ECI Deacom, everything is provided by ECI itself as part of the suite. So, if you are a small company and are limited in your implementation needs, ECI Deacom could be a great fit.

It targets small process manufacturing companies, particularly those heavily involved in eCommerce and DTC. Its processes are tailored to industries like food and beverage or chemical-centric industries. Despite its strengths, the core ERP layers and data model are not scalable for companies seeking mature ERP capabilities. So, it suits smaller companies transitioning from QuickBooks with constrained implementation budgets. Therefore, with this ECI Deacom secures the #9 spot on our list of top process manufacturing ERP systems.

  • Specialized process manufacturing capabilities such as catchweight, and potency. Advanced process manufacturing features critical for process manufacturers are provided out of the box.
  • Friendlier for commerce-centric companies. Features such as route accounting and other capabilities are included in the suite, especially useful in process manufacturing spaces maintaining their own fleets and assets like PODs.
  • Easier implementation​. The core ERP layers are not as detailed, making the implementation easier for smaller companies.
  • Limited ERP layers. The ERP layers are going to be limited. So it’s not as moldable as some of the other ERP products.
  • Not as diverse. It may not support many different business models and transactions, leading to quick outgrowth. For complex business models with diverse processes and transactions, ECI Deacom might not be the best fit.
  • Ecosystem​. The ecosystem is limited, as compared to any similar product on this list. You primarily rely on ECI Deacom’s professional services for consulting and knowledge.


SYSPRO excels in some process manufacturing spaces, such as chemical, food and beverage, and medical devices. It is ideal for smaller process manufacturing companies requiring distribution and discrete manufacturing capabilities. SYSPRO also includes process manufacturing capabilities like formulation and recipe support. It has a very strong alignment with eCommerce players prevalent in the process manufacturing space, increasing the available integration options. Designed for smaller companies, SYSPRO is not suited for global consolidation or complex operations. However, if operating in a few countries with installations in the US or UK, SYSPRO might be a great fit. Thus, considering all these factors SYSPRO secures the #8 spot on our list of top process manufacturing ERP systems.

  • Complex inventory layers. The inventory layers are far more complex. So these are going to be different attributes. And those attributes are going to be part of the process. 
  • Formulation and recipe support. With SYSPRO, the formulation and recipe support is going to be part of the product.
  • Discrete and process manufacturing in one solution​. The product natively supports both manufacturing modes, making it friendlier for process manufacturing companies managing their own packaging lines.
  • Complex process manufacturing capabilities such as catch weight, potency, and reverse BOMs. All of these capabilities might not be supported as part of SYSPRO.
  • Limited suite capabilities. While great for smaller companies, large process manufacturing companies would require specialized tools such as PLM, WMS, and TMS from third parties.
  • Limited global consolidation capabilities​. SYSPRO has limited global capabilities for process companies seeking synergies among global entities.


SAP S/4HANA is designed for larger companies aiming to consolidate global business models across various entities, especially those with a significant global footprint or publicly traded status. It excels in complex organizational structures and is ideal for companies actively engaged in mergers and acquisitions due to their ever-changing business models. SAP S/4HANA offers flexibility in processes and transactions, catering to diverse business needs. Thus, positioning itself at the #7 spot on our list of top process manufacturing ERP systems.

  • ERP layers for complex organizations. It is designed for very complex organizations, essentially those companies that will be very active with their M&A cycles.
  • Diversity of the solution supporting discrete and process manufacturing. The solution is very large supporting many different business models with equal depth for process and discrete manufacturing.
  • Global compliance and localization​. Regions like South America and Europe are complex due to their small countries with unique processes. Mainstream ERP systems often lack support in such regions, leaving solutions like SAP S/4HANA, Microsoft, or Oracle as the only viable options. Alternatively, there may be niche solutions specifically designed for these geographies.
  • Last mile capabilities through third-party vendors. The last-mile capabilities will likely involve third-party vendors. Therefore the integration of suite capabilities as well as core capabilities will be highly dependent on vendors, increasing vendor integration risks.
  • Expensive implementation. The implementation costs are going to be expensive because of dealing with different vendors.
  • Requires mature internal IT team. In tailoring, customizing, and configuring these capabilities, the same capabilities that are already included as part of the suite, SAP S/4 HANA also requires a very mature internal IT team.

6. QAD

QAD is the right fit for supply chain-centric companies, particularly in industries like life sciences and food and beverage. This is where rigorous supply chain planning processes are common, despite these product types being generally less expensive. But it’s not a fit for companies with diverse business models or very small companies. QAD has seen substantial advancements in its portfolio, especially with its technology, which was a massive barrier for QAD in the past. Thus, contributing to the placement of this product at #6 spot on our list of top process manufacturing ERP systems.

  • Supply chain suite + ERP as part of the suite. The entire suite from QAD is included in the product itself, reducing reliance on third-party vendors. This results in cheaper implementation costs due to pre-baked, pre-configured, and pre-integrated components.
  • Process companies with discrete manufacturing lines or components. It is primarily a discrete product, although it also includes some process capabilities. However, complex process manufacturing capabilities may not be fully supported.
  • Global capabilities. From a global consolidation perspective, it is generally a larger product compared to others like Acumatica or ECI Deacom. It is designed for global supply chain collaboration across 5-20 countries.
  • New technology might not be stable or rolled out to all modules. Although they have announced an upgrade to cloud-native technology, it has not yet been fully rolled out and may not be stable for the next few years.
  • Ecosystem. Having QAD alone for the ecosystem might be challenging due to its limited nature.
  • Not as diverse​. This is not a good fit for companies with hybrid business models as the data and process model is highly tailored for specific process manufacturing verticals.

5. Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O

It is a product similar to SAP S/4 HANA, designed for more generalized cases requiring diversity and industry-specific capabilities through third-party vendor add-ons. In these scenarios, MS Dynamics 365 F&O is a better overall choice compared to SAP S/4HANA or Oracle, which have proven themselves in Fortune 500 workloads. They offer extensive capabilities relevant to mid-market companies, along with advanced cloud operational capabilities, where Microsoft is currently ahead. It has an ecosystem that makes it suitable for private equity and holding companies aiming to streamline their portfolio companies on one solution. SMBs, however, might find its complex data model overwhelming. Thus, acquiring its placement for the #5 spot on our list of top process manufacturing ERP systems.

  • Comprehensive localization across the globe. This would be beneficial for global process manufacturing companies seeking synergies among their entities.
  • Ecosystem. One of the most active ecosystems, offering numerous solutions to support various industries, even if those capabilities aren’t part of the core ERP layers or products.
  • Recipe and formulation supported natively.​ The product data model has native support for both process and discrete manufacturing modes.
  • Last mile capabilities through third-party vendors. The last mile or industry-specific capabilities you acquire will be through third-party vendors. This approach increases vendor risk when utilizing these capabilities.
  • Expensive implementation. The implementation may be slightly more expensive because you’re dealing with many different vendors and many different add-ons.
  • Requires mature internal IT team. In tailoring, customizing, and configuring these capabilities, the same capabilities that are already included as part of the suite, MS Dynamics 365 F&O also requires a very mature internal IT team.

4. Oracle Cloud ERP

Oracle Cloud ERP is a product similar to SAP S/4HANA and MS Dynamics 365 F&O. It is designed for large global publicly traded companies, offering extensive financial capabilities for consolidation across entities and business models. However, its industry-specific capabilities are not as preconfigured or tailored as those found in other products on the list. It also excels with high transaction volumes. It is not the optimal choice for SMB process manufacturers lacking internal IT capabilities seeking full-suite capabilities. Thus, contributing to the placement of this product at #4 spot in our list of top process manufacturing ERP systems.

  • ERP layers for complex organizations. This ERP system is designed for large global publicly traded companies. These companies typically require international financial consolidation and aim to integrate various business models and geographies into one solution. This is necessary to ensure end-to-end traceability.
  • Diversity of the solution supporting most discreet industries. The ERP layers are highly adaptable and designed to support various business models, resulting in a very diverse product. In contrast, other products may not offer the same level of diversity.
  • Well adopted among process manufacturing companies through JDE install base with pharma and F&B companies. They also have a larger presence in process manufacturing, particularly in pharma and food and beverage, due to the widespread adoption of the legacy JD Edwards product in these sectors. They are converting these customers and offer extensive capabilities tailored to these industries.
  • Last mile capabilities through third-party vendors. The last mile or industry-specific capabilities you acquire will be through third-party vendors. This approach increases vendor risk when utilizing these capabilities.
  • Expensive implementation. The implementation may be slightly more expensive because you’re dealing with many different vendors and many different add-ons.
  • Requires mature internal IT team. In tailoring, customizing, and configuring these capabilities, the same capabilities that are already included as part of the suite, Oracle Cloud ERP also requires a very mature internal IT team.

3. Aptean Process Manufacturing ERP

This solution falls under the prescriptive category, where you receive a complete suite tailored to specific industries. Aptean process manufacturing ERP’s approach is similar to Infor’s, with specific ERP products bundled into the suite. Although marketed broadly as having 15 process manufacturing solutions, these are segmented into editions like Ross or ProcessPro, each designed for highly specific micro-verticals needing tailored innovation capabilities. Unlike Acumatica, where all business models reside in one database for easier upgrades and better traceability across transactions, Aptean’s products operate on separate databases. This distinction presents risks but offers deep functionality and capabilities for specific micro-verticals. Thus, positioning itself at #3 spot on our list of top process manufacturing ERP systems.

  • Full suite pre-integrated. Because of full pre-integrated suite being present, the implementation costs are going to be cheaper. 
  • Complex process manufacturing capabilities. Aptean provides complex capabilities like reverse BOMs and potency ingredients tailored to each process manufacturing micro-vertical, along with unique PMS functionalities.
  • Several versions tailored for specific micro-verticals such as Ross and ProcessPro​. It is designed for highly specific micro-verticals needing tailored innovation capabilities.
  • Expensive with partial implementation. Buying the complete suite from Aptean may be cheaper. However, if you opt for a rip-and-replace approach or wish to use your favorite tools with Aptean’s architecture, costs could increase. You may encounter fewer pre-baked integrations and fewer consultants knowledgeable about these integrations. Aptean may not prioritize supporting external products or suites, which could pose challenges during partial implementations. Thus, choosing between Aptean’s complete architecture or similar products may depend on your specific needs and desired diversity.
  • Not as diverse. This is not a good fit for companies with hybrid business models as the data and process model is highly tailored for specific process manufacturing verticals.
  • Limited ecosystem and consulting base​. It has a weaker ecosystem and consulting base compared to other ERP solutions.

2. Sage X3

Sage X3 is positioned as a mid-to-large product in the process manufacturing sector. It excels particularly when robust accounting processes are needed, suitable for auditor requirements in publicly traded companies. In the pharmaceutical industry, which is highly regulated, Sage X3 shines due to its comprehensive process capabilities. The ecosystem is well-developed with ample consultants, making it widely adopted in process manufacturing compared to other products on this list. Thus, considering all these factors Sage X3 has acquired the #2 spot on our list of top process manufacturing ERP systems.

  • Depth in accounting. It excels particularly when robust accounting processes are needed, suitable for auditor requirements in publicly traded companies.
  • Specialized process manufacturing capabilities such as catchweight. Complex process manufacturing capabilities such as catchweight, UoMs, and BOMs are all included in the product.
  • Well adopted among process manufacturing companies​. The ecosystem is well-developed with ample ERP consultants, making it widely adopted among process manufacturing companies.
  • Suite capabilities through third-parties. For suite capabilities such as PLM and configurator, you may need third-party add-ons.
  • Not the core focus for Sage. Overall, Sage X3 is not the core focus in their portfolio; Sage Intacct is their primary focus. Their target market primarily consists of SMBs rather than larger companies, which are more penetrated by other ERP providers. Their primary distribution channel is accounting firms, making them more established in the small to mid-sized market.
  • Accounting boilerplate​. The advanced accounting capabilities might not be as relevant for smaller companies primarily caring for operational capabilities.

1. Infor CloudSuite M3

Infor CloudSuite M3 is adopted among process manufacturing companies, especially those with very complex inventory and deep involvement in supply chain planning. Its key strength is that it is a complete pre-integrated suite containing several components, including specialized PLM and a tailored supply chain suite. Infor M3 is a great fit for focused process manufacturing companies with limited IT budgets but might not be the best fit for companies growing through M&A or with diverse business models. Thus, Infor CloudSuite M3 secures the #1 spot on our list of top process manufacturing ERP systems.

  • Comprehensive process manufacturing capabilities. Process manufacturing capabilities are one of the most robust to support the operations of global process manufacturers with many different business models including retail and rental operations.
  • Supports complex inventory and products. The attribute inventory is supported throughout processes starting from NPD to dispatch and value chain management.
  • Pre-integrated supply chain suite​. The pre-integrated supply chain suite makes the implementation cheaper and vendor risk lower.
  • Expensive. Compared to smaller suites such as ECI Deacom and SYSPRO, Infor M3 would be more expensive because of the advanced capabilities for larger and global companies.
  • Not suitable for SMBs below $250M in revenue. The advanced layers provided as part of the product might be too detailed for smaller companies, posing adoption challenges.
  • Ecosystem​. The consulting base and marketplaces are virtually non-existent for both Infor M3.

ERP Implementation Failure Recovery

Learn how Frederick Wildman struggled with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP implementation failure even after spending over $5M and what options they had for recovery.


In conclusion, selecting the right ERP system is crucial for process manufacturing companies due to the complexity and specificity of their operations. The top 10 ERP systems identified in this blog each offer unique strengths and capabilities that cater to various needs within the process manufacturing industry. From robust accounting processes in Sage X3 to the comprehensive pre-integrated suite of Infor CloudSuite M3, each system provides distinct advantages for managing intricate manufacturing processes, ensuring regulatory compliance, and optimizing supply chain planning. Companies must carefully evaluate their specific requirements, including the need for specialized functionalities, global capabilities, and integration ease, to make an informed decision.

The diversity in ERP systems also reflects the varying priorities and operational scales of process manufacturing companies. Smaller companies might benefit from systems like ECI Deacom or Acumatica, which offer tailored solutions for niche markets and simpler implementations. In contrast, larger companies with extensive global operations may find Oracle Cloud ERP or SAP S/4HANA more suitable due to their advanced capabilities and scalability. Ultimately, the right ERP system, chosen with the guidance of an independent ERP consultant, will not only streamline operations and enhance efficiency but also support the company’s growth.


Top 10 Food And Beverage ERP Systems In 2024

Top 10 Food and Beverage ERP Systems In 2024

Food and Beverage Companies: they stand apart, necessitating a unique ERP strategy due to their distinctive product development, quality, and production processes. This diverse sector encompasses manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, each demanding a specialized ERP approach tailored to their specific business processes. Even within this market segment, different product types, like Dairy and frozen food, exhibit significant variations in ERP suitability. Analyzing transactions and their interrelation with cross-functional datasets is crucial for discerning these differences.

Food and Beverage Companies Business Processes: Differing significantly from other retail segments, planning in this sector faces unique challenges like expiry dates and lot/serial number tracking. Additional complexities arise from constraints like weight as the primary Unit of Measure (UoM) and the need for catchweight processes. The compliance and quality processes also exhibit distinct characteristics, with a predominant adherence to HACCP compliance standards.

Top 10 Food And Beverage ERP Systems In 2024

Food and Beverage ERP Needs. Manufacturers, in this segment, rely on ERP systems that seamlessly collaborate with PLM for product development and shop floor modules. Also, this segment witnesses manufacturers following the DTC and DSD business model, requiring the maintenance of an in-house fleet because of the unique storage and delivery requirements. Scheduling complexities stem from bottlenecks like unique furnace designs or recipes managed by specialized groups, necessitating batching strategies. For retailers, alignment with product management, merchandising, and planning is crucial, mirroring other retailers but with added complexity due to food and beverage compliance requirements. These unique constraints significantly shape ERP processes for food and beverage ERP systems. Eager to explore the top food and beverage ERP systems in 2024? Dive into this list for an excellent starting point.

The 2025 Digital Transformation Report

Thinking of embarking on a ERP journey and looking for a digital transformation report? Want to learn the best practices of digital transformation? Then, you have come to the right place.


  • Definition of a food and beverage company. These companies in the food and beverage ecosystem include manufacturers, distributors, retailers, packaging companies, and any other suppliers supplying the food and beverage industry. The list considers companies of all sizes in this ecosystem.
  • Overall market share/# of customers. The higher marketshare among food and beverage companies drives higher rankings on this list.
  • Ownership/funding. The superior financial position of the ERP vendor leads to higher rankings on this list.
  • Quality of development. How modern is the tech stack? How aggressively is the ERP vendor pushing cloud-native functionality for this product? Is the roadmap officially announced? Or uncertain?
  • Community/Ecosystem. How vibrant is the community? Social media groups? In-person user groups? Forums?
  • Depth of native functionality. Last-mile functionality for specific industries natively built into the product?
  • Quality of publicly available product documentation. How well-documented is the product? Is the documentation available publicly? How updated is the demo content available on YouTube?
  • Product share and documented commitment. Is the product share reported separately in financial statements if the ERP vendor is public?
  • Ability to natively support diversified business models. How diverse is the product to support multiple business models in the same product?
  • Acquisition strategy aligned with the product: Any recent acquisitions to fill a specific hole for food and beverage industries? Any official announcements to integrate recently acquired capabilities?
  • User Reviews: How specific are the reviews about this product’s capabilities? How recent and frequent are the reviews?
  • Must be an ERP product: Edge products such as HCM, CRM, eCommerce, MES, or accounting solutions that are not fully integrated to support enterprise-wide capabilities are not qualified for this list.

10. ECI Deacom

ECI Deacom targets small food and beverage companies, particularly those heavily involved in eCommerce and DTC. Its processes are tailored to food and beverage or chemical-centric industries. Thus, making it less scalable for diverse food and beverage operations. Despite its strengths, the core ERP layers and data model are not scalable for companies seeking mature ERP capabilities. However, it suits smaller companies transitioning from QuickBooks with constrained implementation budgets. While not universally applicable, its relevance to specific smaller companies in the food and beverage sector earns it the #10 spot on our list of top food and beverage ERP systems.

  1. Deep eCommerce and DTC capabilities. E-commerce and DTC-related features, such as route accounting and proof of delivery, were built as part of the product.
  2. Deep last-mile capabilities for food and beverage companies. The food and beverage-specific capabilities that can support both distributors and manufacturers include master lot numbers, formulation and pre-formulation management, and weight measurement during quality processes.
  3. Financial backing of private equity and technical architecture. Compared to similar systems in this market segment, Deacom has an SQL-based data store and a more modern interface.
  1. Only suitable for smaller food and beverage companies. Due to the flattened ERP layers, which are designed to reduce implementation time and are easier to use for smaller companies.
  2. Ability to support diversified business models. While great for food and beverage and chemical-centric verticals, other food and beverage companies might struggle with it because of limited support for their processes.
  3. Weaker supply chain and ERP capabilities. With limited pricing and discounting options, inadequate UoM support, and leaner costing layers for larger food and beverage companies.


SYSPRO targets small food and beverage companies, both manufacturers and distributors. It can support both discrete and process manufacturing capabilities for food manufacturers owning a packaging line, requiring both of these business processes in one database. It also has a very strong alignment with eCommerce players prevalent in the food and beverage space, increasing the available integration options. While great for smaller operations, it is not suitable for large food and beverage companies with multiple entities. Despite these considerations, it still maintains the rank at #9 on our list of top food and beverage ERP systems.

  1. Support for formulation management capabilities. While some systems that might be primarily discrete might claim to be process-centric, SYSPRO has native support for formulation management.
  2. Ability to support diversified business models.  Accommodates several different business models for smaller food and beverage manufacturers and distributors, including process and discrete production processes.
  3. Supply chain and finance capabilities. Deeper supply chain and finance capabilities than its peers, including a robust unit of measure support, bin number capabilities, inventory valuation methods, and costing layers.
  1. Only suitable for smaller food and beverage companies. With limited support for data sharing between entities, it is not a fit for larger companies with multiple entities and presences in multiple countries. 
  2. Limited suite capabilities. While great for smaller companies, large food and beverage options would require specialized tools such as PLM, WMS, and TMS integrated as part of the suite.
  3. Technical issues with the product. While the product has come a long way in moving away from a file-based data structure to a more reliable SQL-based data store, the users report errors with the product. 


SAP S/4 HANA caters to larger food and beverage enterprises, excelling in the large enterprise segment or adopting a best-of-breed approach for diversified capabilities. Its key strength is accommodating various global food and beverage business models within one database, but it may lack deep last-mile capabilities, relying on ISV solutions or elongating implementation times. While this reliance can be cost-prohibitive for SMB food and beverage companies, it aligns with the best-of-breed architecture needs required by large food and beverage companies, essential for transactional decoupling and accommodating diverse departmental needs. Despite these considerations, it maintains its position at #8 on our list of the top food and beverage ERP systems.

  1. Superior financial control and governance for large food and beverage companies. Superior financial traceability and the SOX compliance support required for large, publicly traded companies.
  2. Ability to support diversified business models. Supports diversified business models whether you are a food and beverage manufacturer or retailer.
  3. Solid best-of-breed options. The availability of best-in-class, best-of-breed products such as SAP EWM for warehouse and TMS capabilities and SAP Hybris for e-commerce for larger food and beverage companies.
  1. Limited last-mile functionality and integration are relevant to food and beverage companies. The integrations that are highly relevant in this space, such as scale or last mile capabilities such as route accounting, would require add-ons or customizations on top of the core platform.
  2. Overbloated financial control processes. Overbloated financial control processes, such as compliance, allocation, and approval flows, are only necessary for large organizations.
  3. Not fit for smaller and mid-sized food and beverage companies. The SMB food and beverage companies would find SAP S/4 HANA overwhelming and run the risk of implementation failure because of the efforts required to test and simplify the processes needed for smaller companies.

7. Oracle Cloud ERP

Oracle Cloud ERP, much like SAP S/4 HANA, targets larger food and beverage enterprises, excelling in the large enterprise segment or adopting a best-of-breed approach for diversified capabilities. Its strength lies in accommodating global food and beverage business models within one database, though it may lack deep last-mile capabilities, often relying on ISV solutions or extending implementation times. Unlike SAP S/4 HANA, Oracle Cloud ERP boasts higher penetration in the food and beverage verticals due to its existing install base with JD Edwards. The friendly data model and higher win rate make it a preferred choice. Aligned with the best-of-breed architecture, crucial for transactional decoupling, it secures its position at #7 on our list of the top food and beverage ERP systems.

  1. Deep ERP capabilities for large food and beverage companies. Robust core ERP features such as international trade management and supply chain planning.
  2. Talent ecosystem and well-adopted product. It is one of the most adopted products and has very large communities of consultants to build custom food and beverage-specific functionality.
  3. Ability to support diversified business models. Rich product models can natively support many distribution and manufacturing processes, such as process or discrete. 
  1. Limited last-mile functionality and industry integrations. Limited last-mile functionality and relevant industry integration for food and beverage companies, which will require an add-on or custom development with other solutions.
  2. Overbloated financial control processes. Overbloated financial control processes are needed for larger companies but might be overwhelming for smaller companies.
  3. Not fit for smaller and mid-size food and beverage companies. Finally, the SMB companies would struggle to relate to the product due to the over-bloated approval flows, allocation, commitment, and financial control processes. 

6. Infor CloudSuite M3

Infor CloudSuite M3 caters to food and beverage companies in the upper mid-market. Its key strength is that it is a complete pre-integrated suite containing several components, including specialized PLM and a tailored supply chain suite. It’s a great fit for focused food and beverage companies with limited IT budgets but might not be the best fit for companies growing through M&A or with diverse business models. Despite these considerations, it maintains its position at #6 on our list.

  1. Global operations. Only solutions in the market with sufficient financial hierarchies and global trade compliance functionality, pre-baked with the product to support manufacturers exploring global financial and operational synergies. 
  2. Last-mile capabilities along with breadth of capabilities for diversified manufacturing business models. Infor M3 has capabilities that require food and beverage manufacturers to integrate PLM and vendor portals more deeply. For retailers, there are capabilities such as integration with merchandising solutions. 
  3. Best-of-breed integrations offered out-of-the-box. Most tools that a food and beverage company would require, such as HCM, PLM, data lake, ERP, WMS, TMS, and advanced supply chain planning, are all pre-integrated with M3.
  1. Might not be the best fit as a corporate solution for holding and private equity companies. Food and beverage holding companies with other diverse business models in their portfolio, such as F&B machinery manufacturing or consulting, may not be able to keep all of their entities on one solution.
  2. Legacy UI and Experience. Infor M3 is a legacy solution with technical limitations that provides the cloud-native experience with universal search, mobile experience, etc.
  3. Weak Ecosystem and Marketplace. The consulting base and marketplaces are virtually non-existent for both Infor M3.

5. QAD

QAD focuses on upper mid-large food and beverage manufacturing companies seeking robust operational functionality beyond larger products like SAP S/4 HANA or Oracle Cloud ERP. However, it may overwhelm smaller companies in the sector. Historically, QAD faced limitations due to its technology, but an upcoming upgrade aims to address this issue. Despite the anticipated improvements, immediate availability remains uncertain, retaining its position at #5 on our list of top food and beverage ERP systems.

  1. Ability to support diversified business models. QAD’s data and product model allows it to serve various food and beverage industries with the combination of discrete and process manufacturing business models, such as food and beverage manufacturers along with packaging manufacturers. 
  2. Process manufacturing capabilities. Includes process and discrete manufacturing capabilities, which is an advantage compared to other similar products.
  3. Rich ERP capabilities to support mid- to large food and beverage companies. Has deep international trade management and supply chain capabilities, which gives QAD an edge over its larger peers as QAD will have deeper operational functionality for food and beverage along with these capabilities geared for larger manufacturing companies.
  1. Technical architecture. While QAD has announced that they will be modernizing their stack, it might take a while for it to stabilize.
  2. Primarily targeted for discrete manufacturing verticals. QAD is a discrete manufacturing product that targets process manufacturing. So, the food and beverage manufacturers and distributors may not receive as much attention from QAD as discrete manufacturers.
  3. Talent Ecosystem. The talent ecosystem is not as prolific as SAP S/4 HANA or Oracle ERP Cloud. Generally, OEMs don’t have the same consulting depth as a consulting company would, requiring your team to do much more heavy lifting and increasing the chances of failure.

4. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations

Like Oracle ERP Cloud, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations targets food and beverage manufacturers and distributors in the upper-mid market and lower-enterprise range. It is not suitable for smaller to medium-sized manufacturers and distributors. The biggest plus of MS Dynamics 365 F&O would be its marketplace, allowing augmenting core capabilities with third-party add-ons and supporting many diverse business models, retaining its rank at #4 among the top food and beverage ERP systems.

  1. Deep ERP capabilities for upper mid-market and lower enterprise food and beverage companies. It has a unique position for supporting deep operational capabilities for global food and beverage companies where talent availability might be an issue.
  2. Ability to support diversified business models. The F&O process and data model is comprehensive, supporting many different business models that food and beverage companies are likely to contain, such as food processing or packaging line manufacturing.
  3. Pre-integrated best-of-breed options. The pre-integrated best-of-breed options, such as CRM or field service, might be especially friendly for companies trying to decouple business processes to gain operational efficiencies or expedite the sales or field service cycles for industries such as food and beverage machinery or appliances.
  1. Limited last-mile functionality for last-mile delivery or compliance. Process enablement for food and beverage companies maintaining their own internal fleet might require integration with best-of-breed solutions for last-mile delivery or compliance. 
  2. Overbloated financial control processes. Overbloated financial control processes, such as compliance, allocation, and approval flows, which are only necessary for large organizations.
  3. Not fit for smaller and mid-size food and beverage companies. Finally, SMB food and beverage companies would find the product overwhelming and run the risk of implementation failure because of the efforts required to test and simplify the processes needed for smaller companies.

3. Aptean Food & Beverage ERP

Aptean food and beverage ERP is a fully flavored pre-integrated suite for food and beverage manufacturers, including all the essential components as part of the suite, such as ERP, WMS, TMS, etc. One of the unique advantages of Aptean Food & Beverage ERP is that it’s built on top of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, therefore overcoming the challenges with the MS Dynamics 365 BC product. The food and beverage-specific IP and integrations created on top of MS 365 BC, along with the support from Aptean would be a huge plus for companies with limited budgets seeking a full suite. Thus, ranking at #3 on our list among the top food and beverage ERP systems.

  1. Deep food and beverage manufacturing capabilities. Including formulation management and batch manufacturing. 
  2. Financial stability of a private equity company. The financial backing of the publisher as it is backed by one of the largest private equity companies.
  3. Deeper ERP capabilities than smaller food and beverage ERP systems. Much bigger product than some of these specialized ERP systems, such as Deacom or SYSPRO, with more profound manufacturing and supply chain capabilities similar to Netsuite, Acumatica, or Sage X3.
  1. It might not be the best fit for diverse business models. The food and beverage customizations and process flows might not scale as well for other business models that might require hybrid capabilities.
  2. Limited integrations for diverse business models. Businesses that have the complexity of other business models might not scale as well with the focused integrations flavored primarily for the food and beverage industry.
  3. Smaller Ecosystem. The adoption and the smaller ecosystems to get support for the product if you are not happy with the support provided by Aptean.

2. Sage X3

Sage X3 targets upper-mid to large food and beverage companies with less than $1B in revenue that seeks a replacement for other larger products due to their weaker operational support and overwhelming workflows. It is not as suitable for the smaller food and beverage companies that will have revenue under $50 million or the larger companies with a presence in more than 10-15 countries. While Sage X3 still maintains a large marketshare among food and beverage companies, it’s not receiving as much attention in Sage’s portfolio, which is primarily focused on the smaller segment and serving the accounting community as it is their primary distribution channel.

  1. Great alternative for large food and beverage companies. Designed for particularly process and food and beverage manufacturing and distribution. As a result, it provides far deeper functionality for large food and beverage companies that are out of the box.
  2. Designed for process manufacturing companies. Its product and operational processes are designed for process manufacturing companies with deep support for features such as product families.
  3. Great ecosystem of consultants for food and beverage validation. The ecosystem includes consulting companies with deep expertise in the Sage X3 product and also validation procedures.
  1. Not suitable for smaller food and beverage companies. Its design could be overwhelming for very small food and beverage companies. It might not get as much value due to the configuration and integration requirements.
  2. Limited pre-integrated best-of-breed options. Limited best-in-class best-of-breed options as SAP S/4 HANA or Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O for additional capabilities that larger companies would require.
  3. Limited Ecosystem. Just like other focused solutions, the Sage X3 ecosystem is fairly limited, with very few options consulting and marketplace options available compared to other solutions.

1. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

MS Dynamics 365 BC targets SMB food and beverage distributors. And it’s especially suitable for food and beverage companies that require depth in supply chain and distribution processes, along with the platform’s flexibility to build last-mile functionality. While it might not have food and beverage capabilities out of the box, the underlying data model is friendlier for food and beverage companies. Because of this reason, the marketplace offers several options for food and beverage companies, including leading solutions such as Aptean Food and Beverage, securing its rank at #1 on our list.

  1. Availability of several add-ons with deep food and beverage capabilities. The biggest plus for MS BC is its ecosystem and add-ons from highly credible companies that could provide capabilities similar to those of Sage X3 or Deacom. In addition, these add-ons would not be as risky as those developed by ERP resellers.
  2. Native support of packaging serial numbers with lot numbers. MS BC offers a rich data model with capabilities such as support for multiple lots and serial numbers, a requirement for food and beverage companies. 
  3. Deep supply chain and bin allocation capabilities. MS BC has native capabilities to support food and beverage distributors with multiple warehouses, centralized and decentralized supply network needs, multiple hierarchies of bins, and rich UoM support.
  1. Does not have native support for formulation management. MS BC doesn’t natively support formulation management, which would be a severe limitation for food and beverage distributors that might be heavy in R&D and production.
  2. Not suitable for food and beverage manufacturers. MS BC is primarily suited for food and beverage distributors as it has limited manufacturing capabilities and can natively only support lighter assembly-centric manufacturing.
  3. The add-ons may not be as proven or as well documented. While MS BC offers several add-ons, they might not be as proven or as well coded as the codebase available directly from the OEM.

ERP Implementation Failure Recovery

Learn how Frederick Wildman struggled with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP implementation failure even after spending over $5M and what options they had for recovery.


Food and beverage, distinct from other markets, presents unique challenges particularly like catchweight, specialized Unit of Measure (UoM) strategies, and varied lot and serial number groupings. Distinguishing ERP systems tailored for this sector from others, even those with strong support requires meticulous scrutiny due to shared terminologies and functionalities that might obscure their differences. When selecting an ERP system for food and beverage, carefully consider the capabilities outlined in this list. Thus, if navigating these nuances proves challenging, engaging an independent ERP consultant is a valuable alternative.


Top 10 ERP Systems for Service-centric Industries In 2024

Top 10 ERP Systems For Service-centric Industries In 2024

Service-Centric Businesses: Typically devoid of inventory-centric operations, ERP systems for service-centric industries demand distinctive features and architecture. Unlike their product-centric counterparts, which heavily rely on inventory-costing layers and MRP strategies, service-centric industries exhibit even more operational diversity. In some cases, ERP functions confine themselves to managing corporate financial ledgers, while custom software handles the bulk of operational tasks. This diverse industry segment ranges from non-profit organizations to the public sector, and the list goes on with particularly construction, real estate, mining, utilities, energy, consulting, and financial services.

Service-Centric Business Processes: Even within sectors like non-profit organizations, diverse needs demand extensive customizations, also raising questions about the role of ERP in such markets. Despite process variations, aspects like project management, indirect procurement, and scheduling specialized resources remain consistent. For industries like professional services and architectural firms, resource scheduling is paramount, while industries such as construction or real estate may find it less relevant. The nuances and complexities of service-centric industries necessitate an entirely unique ERP strategy for this market segment.

Top 10 ERP Systems for Service-centric Industries In 2024

Service-Centric ERP Needs: PSA (Professional Services Automation) takes center stage in service-centric industries, particularly highlighting skill-based scheduling as a distinctive feature. Its integration with Human Capital Management (HCM) workflows also sets it apart. In contrast, product-centric industries prioritize embeddedness with CAD/PLM or TMS/WMS, crucial for their inventory-centric operations. Despite some inventory presence in service-centric industries, their layers are less complex, leading to occasional confusion with product-centric ERP systems. While project management and project manufacturing may resemble PSA, product-centric systems avoid skill-based resource identification to curb unnecessary overhead. Identifying ERP systems tailored for service-centric industries? This list is an excellent starting point.

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10. Acumatica

Acumatica, primarily a product-centric ERP solution, has recently announced that they are launching an edition tailored for professional services companies. While Acumatica has capabilities relevant for other service-centric verticals, such as subscription billing, its coverage is fairly limited, primarily confined to the corporate financial ledger. Also, as of today, it has very limited global financial capabilities, making it less relevant for globally operated organizations requiring localizations in multiple countries aiming to explore synergies among those entities. Its limitations also substantially extend to non-profit-specific capabilities, but it would be a great fit for construction and mining-centric verticals due to its embedded field service and asset management capabilities. Thus, given its limited relevance to service-centric verticals, it ranks at #10 on our list.

  1. Multiple business models in one database. Service companies such as architectural firms and mining companies might find Acumatica attractive if their operations have flavors of product-centric companies such as manufacturing or eCommerce.
  2. Cloud-native, with the experience being very similar to other SaaS products, such as Salesforce or Quickbooks.
  3. Great as the first ERP system. While it would require consulting effort for implementation, the data layers are not as complex as larger ERP systems, making it a great first ERP system for service-centric smaller companies.
  1. PSA capabilities just released. The PSA module has just been released and may take some time to stabilize, even though it contains a project management module for construction-centric verticals.
  2. Limited global application. Acumatica is relevant only in certain countries where they might have localization supported.
  3. HCM module not embedded. One key requirement for service-centric verticals is particularly embedded HCM and indirect procurement processes, which are substantially limited with Acumatica.

9. Sage Intacct

Service-centric companies seeking their first ERP system find Sage Intacct an ideal fit. While exclusively focusing on service-centric verticals such as non-profit, SaaS, construction, and many more, it highly limits the core ERP capabilities. They would require several add-ons in most of these sectors. Although limited to operational capabilities, it can act as the global financial ledger for global operations with enterprise-grade finance capabilities, such as partner accounting and revenue recognition. Thus, with the limited scope as an ERP requiring add-ons for operational capabilities, it ranks at #9 on our list.

  1. Deep service-centric last-mile capabilities. It has one of the strongest service-centric finance and accounting capabilities, also including fund and grants accounting, pre-populated KPIs, and reports.
  2. Globalized and Localized in over 120 countries. It can natively support multi-entity collaboration features of over 120 countries.
  3. Salesforce, HR, and Marketplace Integrations for service-centric industries. Sage owns and maintains Salesforce and payroll integrations, particularly ensuring the quality of development.
  1. May Require Subscriptions for Best-of-breed CRMs. Primarily an accounting solution. So the solution doesn’t have any CRM capabilities at all, as well as limited supply chain capabilities, even for indirect procurement.  
  2. Will Require Consulting Expertise Compared to Other Smaller Systems. While Sage Intacct maximizes audibility and compliance through its design, successfully utilizing the product would require consulting expertise and internal IT maturity to navigate the added layers.
  3. Not a complete ERP. Would require several bolt-ons, even in verticals where they might have a tailored version. The tailored version would provide best-of-breed finance and accounting capabilities while using add-ons for everything else.

8. Unit4

Unit4 is a purpose-built enterprise-grade ERP for non-profit, public sector, and consulting companies. While ideal for some, tailored workflows would be limiting for other diverse service-centric business models such as healthcare, construction, or mining. Given its limited scope in certain industry verticals, it does not provide the best fit for service companies aiming to streamline several subsidiaries in one solution or for private equity firms streamlining their entire portfolio. Thus, with its limited relevance to certain service-centric industries, it ranks at #8 on our list.

  1. Strong HCM and Indirect Procurement Capabilities Pre-integrated and Pre-baked. Tailored to educational institutes and non-profits. 
  2. Non-profit Accounting and PSA Capabilities Offered Out of the Box. The non-profit package includes native capabilities for the fund and grant capabilities with a strong PSA module to manage resources and projects.
  3. Designed to Handle Global Enterprise Workloads. While two versions exist for large enterprises and another for the mid-market, the large one has proven successful with large non-profit institutes seeking alternatives to SAP S/4 HANA or Oracle Cloud ERP.
  1. Legacy Solution. While rearchitected for the cloud, it’s a legacy solution. So, the user and mobile experience might not be as great as other options born in the cloud.
  2. Limited Install Base in North America. Primarily a European solution with a very limited presence and ecosystem in North America. So, you might struggle to find consulting companies and marketplace add-ons focused on the North American market.
  3. Fit for a limited number of service-centric industries. Because of its tighter alignment with non-profit and public-sector verticals, other industries might find non-profit-specific capabilities overwhelming. It might also not be a fit for diverse organizations seeking capabilities outside of their comfort zone.

7. Deltek

Deltek targets upper-mid and lower-enterprise service-centric industries in construction, government contracting, architecture, and engineering verticals. Companies seeking proprietary integration and embeddedness with government contracting workflows find it an ideal fit. However, these proprietary capabilities might be overwhelming for other diverse industries. Just like Unit4, Deltek serves as a great solution for certain service-centric verticals but might not suit other verticals or companies with diverse business models as effectively. Thus, given its limited relevance for service-centric verticals, it ranks at #7 on our list.

  1. Last-mile capabilities for GovCon and construction-centric verticals. Deltek has last-mile capabilities in the construction and GovCon space, requiring substantial development atop vanilla solutions.
  2. Access to the databases and networks relevant to these industries. Deltek has several products in its portfolio with industry databases and networks, providing it a unique advantage over other vendors. 
  3. Multi-entity capabilities. Their multi-entity capabilities are rich, making them suitable for upper mid-market companies seeking one solution to host all of their entities in one database.
  1. Limited focus. The limited focus of the solution might be a challenge for service-centric verticals active with M&A cycles, especially for business models outside of Deltek’s expertise. 
  2. Limited ecosystem and consulting base. As of today, their ecosystem and consulting base significantly limit their capabilities.
  3. Limited best-of-breed capabilities. Service-centric industries opting to build best-of-breed architecture might not find as many pre-baked integration options, requiring substantial consulting efforts.

6. IFS

IFS enjoys a unique position for most service-centric verticals with its depth in project-centric organizations. It also particularly excels in workflows tailored for asset-heavy industries, along with possessing depth in field service capabilities. While IFS would suit many service-centric verticals such as construction, energy, and utilities, it might lack operational depth for verticals such as non-profit or the public sector. Since the solution targets larger mid-market and lower enterprise companies, it might be overwhelming for smaller companies. Thus, given its broader application than other focused solutions, it ranks at #6 on our list.

  1. Enterprise-grade field service and asset management capabilities. While limited in its suite and focus, their last-mile capabilities are the strongest, particularly relevant for service-centric industries.
  2. The data model is aligned with companies with large programs. Industries such as MRO, Oil, and Gas follow very different project structures and BOMs. And IFS’s data model allows them to manage complex programs without any ad-hoc arrangements.
  3. Technology. While a legacy solution, IFS technology has rearchitected and modernized itself using cloud-native SaaS technologies.
  1. Limited focus. The limited focus might be a challenge for other service-centric verticals active with M&A cycles. 
  2. Limited ecosystem. Its presence and install base still lag behind other solutions on this list in North America.
  3. It is not the right fit for holding and private equity companies as a corporate ledger. While IFS can provide best-of-breed capabilities in a tier-two architecture or act as the main ERP hosting most enterprise processes, using IFS solely as the corporate financial ledger might not be the best fit.


SAP S/4 HANA fits well for large globally operated companies with the scale of Fortune 1000 companies. Its data model allows hosting most business models in one solution, but that infinite scalability might also be overwhelming for smaller companies, requiring higher IT maturity and implementation budgets. While capable of hosting most business processes, operations teams at service-centric organizations might not prefer to host their workflows inside ERP systems. Thus, the preference for decentralized architecture at service-centric companies gets it the rank of #5 on this list.

  1. Non-profit accounting and PSA capabilities are provided out of the box. Expect a non-profit accounting package including grant and fund reporting with a PSA and skill-based scheduling.
  2. Best-of-breed capabilities pre-integrated. The best-of-breed software, such as Concur, SuccessFactors, and CRM, are pre-integrated with SAP S/4 HANA, a pre-baked integration with the potential to save millions of dollars.
  3. HANA and financial traceability for large, global organizations. Because of the power of HANA, SAP S/4 HANA can process very complex transactions with visual traceability across entities, along with end-to-end traceability, auditability, and approvals of SOX compliance workflows.
  1. CRM and membership capabilities. CRM workflows might not be fluid enough to meet the unique needs of service-centric companies.
  2. Adoption issues for service-centric verticals. Unlike product-centric organizations, service-centric verticals don’t have as financially embedded transactions, causing efficiency issues with teams if their workflows were to be managed inside complex ERP systems such as SAP S/4 HANA.
  3. Overwhelming for smaller organizations. The data model is designed for large, complex organizations, overwhelming for smaller, service-centric organizations.

4. Oracle Cloud ERP

Oracle Cloud ERP, similar to SAP S/4 HANA, is a great fit for very large globally operated organizations, especially publicly traded companies. It can accommodate most service-centric business models as part of its solution and has tailored capabilities for non-profits along with a PSA solution that is tightly embedded with the standalone HCM solution. Compared to SAP S/4 HANA, Oracle Cloud ERP fluid architecture allows flexibility that service-centric companies need for a decentralized architecture along with an ability to create custom forms and workflows easily. Thus, with the solution aligned with the needs of service-centric companies, Oracle Cloud ERP ranks at #4 on our list.

  1. Designed for large service-centric organizations. The embedded HCM and CRM processes are suitable for large service-centric organizations. The P2P workflows are friendlier for the indirect procurement needs of such organizations.
  2. Native capabilities for grant and fund accounting. Expect native capabilities for grant and fund accounting provided as part of the package with very robust budget planning tools pre-integrated and pre-populated, easily merged with external datasets.
  3. Embedded HCM and PSA processes. Expect HCM and PSA to be fully immersed with the ERP, as well as grant and fund compliance processes.
  1. Custom CRM workflows. While Oracle Cloud ERP might support the needs of membership from the perspective of finance and ASC606, the operational capabilities would require translation of data and process model, requiring expensive consulting and internal IT expertise.
  2. Best-of-breed pre-built integrated options may be limited. Expect substantial efforts in integrating sector-specific CRMs and tools, as options may be limited for specific service-centric organizations.
  3. Overwhelming for smaller organizations. The data model and translations required to be successful with the product may be too overwhelming for companies outgrowing QuickBooks or other smaller ERP systems.

3. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a great fit for service-centric SMB companies with diversified business models operating globally. Its project management module is uniquely tailored to the needs of professional services organizations with each resource identified. It also has non-profit-centric accounting packages provided out of the box and a best-of-breed CRM that is highly customizable. The MS ecosystem also has very highly talented developers capable of customizing the CRM data model to the most unique service-centric workflows. Thus, given its broader focus on service-centric industries, it ranks at #3 on this list.

  1. Designed for global companies. Natively supports global regions and localizations. Ideal fit for countries where the other suite-centric solutions, Deltek or Unit4, might not be present.
  2. Non-profit accounting and PSA capabilities are provided out of the box. Expect a non-profit accounting package including grant and fund reporting with a PSA tailored for service-centric organizations and skill-based scheduling.
  3. Marketplace and ecosystem. Augments core capabilities with a very vibrant marketplace, supporting diverse business models such as oil and gas, energy, and non-profit.
  1. Financial traceability and SOX compliance. It might not be the most Intuitive for finance leaders. The financial traceability may not be as intuitive as SAP for global, publicly traded service-centric companies.
  2. Technical focus and limited business consulting expertise in the Microsoft ecosystem. The ecosystem has technical companies but with limited business consulting experience, which might drive over-customization and overengineering of Microsoft products, ultimately leading to implementation failure.
  3. Limited Microsoft support for smaller partners. Unlike other ERP companies, Microsoft doesn’t offer any support or control to its smaller partners, leading to implementation issues because of the limited control over its channel.

2. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations is a great fit for upper-mid-market and lower-enterprise companies operating globally. It can host a variety of business models in one solution, along with the flexibility of customized workflows for service-centric organizations. MS Dynamics 365 F&O includes an out-of-the-box non-profit accounting package along with best-of-breed capabilities supported through its marketplace. It also has a CRM and field service solution that can be used in conjunction with the ERP solution, making it especially relevant for certain service-centric verticals. Thus, due to its wider applicability for many different business models, it ranks at #2 on our list.

  1. Designed for large organizations. Ideal for large, global companies with complex service-centric business models operating in multiple countries.
  2. Non-profit accounting package capabilities are offered out of the box. Embedded non-profit accounting capabilities are offered out of the box.
  3. Data center options and data locations of choice might be available in most countries. With the backing of Azure, complying with regulations such as the Patriots Act may be easier, an issue especially crucial with service-centric companies.
  1. It may not be the best fit for publicly traded companies. The traceability requirements for publicly traded companies might not be as intuitive.
  2. The CRM data model might not be as fluid for certain service-centric verticals. The CRM data model is not as fluid as other solutions in the market, making it less friendly for business users with a need for customized workflows.
  3. Overwhelming for smaller organizations. The data model and infinite scalability might be overwhelming for smaller organizations seeking simpler solutions easier to configure.

1. NetSuite

NetSuite is a great fit for several service-centric verticals, including non-profit, media, energy, utilities, construction, and oil and gas. It can support not only the lighter commerce processes of service-centric businesses but also complex workflows such as subscription-based business models. NetSuite HCM and PSA provide the unique embeddedness service-based organizations need to support their skill-based operations. The FP&A and indirect procurement processes are uniquely tailored for these industries. Thus, with the introduction of field service and its CPQ being tailored, it is one of the most adopted solutions in service-centric verticals, securing its rank at #1 on this list.

  1. An in-built package with fund and grant accounting capabilities is offered out of the box. Expect native capabilities for grant and fund accounting provided as part of the package with very robust budget planning tools for SMB non-profit companies pre-integrated and pre-populated, easily merged with external datasets.
  2. Marketplace and ecosystem. Vibrant marketplaces and ecosystems, with tons of pre-baked integrations and add-ons available for diverse business models.
  3. Ideal for global companies growing through M&A. Supports several diverse and global business models out of the box, making it ideal for companies part of the private equity portfolio and growing through M&A. 
  1. Limited operational depth for some verticals. The operational depth with solutions such as Unit4 or Deltek for certain verticals might require add-ons or custom development.
  2. Embeddedness with best-of-breed solutions. Service-centric verticals that enjoy using their favorite tools, such as Salesforce or JIRA, might not like to use NetSuite for their operational workflows.
  3. Not a fit for very large service-centric organizations. While NetSuite can support very large multi-entity operations, companies that might be acquiring hundreds of companies each year might find NetSuite to be limiting.

ERP Implementation Failure Recovery

Learn how Frederick Wildman struggled with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP implementation failure even after spending over $5M and what options they had for recovery.


In contrast to product-centric counterparts, service-centric organizations demand ERP systems with flexibility, given their ad-hoc workflows with limited financial control needs. The limited benefits of ERP processes in service-centric settings can result in adoption challenges, especially in verticals where employee experience matters more than operational efficiency. If you’re choosing an ERP system for service-centric industries, scrutinizing nuances is crucial. When ERP systems seem indistinguishable, the guidance of an independent ERP consultant can be invaluable.


Top 10 ERP Systems for Product-centric Industries In 2024

Top 10 ERP Systems for Product-centric Industries In 2024

Defining Product-centric Industries. Unlike service-centric counterparts, product-centric industries heavily invest in inventory-centric operations rather than human resources and employee experience. This distinction necessitates uniquely tailored ERP systems. For manufacturers, distributors, and the entire manufacturing value chain focused on building and commercializing products, the major differentiator lies in the products they sell. Service-centric providers offering consulting services to these companies form the exception.

Business Models and Processes of Product-centric Industries. Within the product-centric industries segment, diverse business models abound, spanning discrete products to process-centric industries. Differences extend to manufacturing approaches, encompassing make-to-stock, make-to-order, configure-to-order, or project manufacturing. Additional variations arise in industrial or FMCG distribution, introducing nuances between B2B and B2C transactions. While a predominant focus on product-centric processes is common, some industries may intertwine service-centric processes, particularly if offering consulting services alongside products, adding complexity to the overall business model.

Top 10 ERP Systems for Product-centric Industries In 2024

The ERP needs of product-centric industries. Tailoring ERP systems to product-centric industries hinges on their product development and commercialization processes. Varied stakeholders, including customers and suppliers, play crucial roles during the engineering phase, particularly for high-cost products. Retail and distribution models necessitate warehouse-level planning and allocation, while manufacturing-centric models involve joint forecasting and planning with suppliers and retailers. These diverse needs collectively shape the ERP requirements for product-centric industries. If you’re on the lookout for ERP systems tailored to these industries, kickstart your search with this curated list.

The 2025 Digital Transformation Report

Thinking of embarking on a ERP journey and looking for a digital transformation report? Want to learn the best practices of digital transformation? Then, you have come to the right place.


  • Overall market share/# of customers. The higher marketshare with product-centric industries drives higher rankings on this list.
  • Ownership/funding. The superior financial position of the ERP vendor leads to higher rankings on this list.
  • Quality of development. How modern is the tech stack? How aggressively is the ERP vendor pushing cloud-native functionality for this product? Is the roadmap officially announced? Or uncertain?
  • Community/Ecosystem. How vibrant is the community? Social media groups? In-person user groups? Forums?
  • Depth of native functionality. Last-mile functionality for specific industries natively built into the product?
  • Quality of publicly available product documentation. How well-documented is the product? Is the documentation available publicly? How updated is the demo content available on YouTube?
  • Product share and documented commitment. Is the product share reported separately in financial statements if the ERP vendor is public?
  • Ability to natively support diversified business models. How diverse is the product to support multiple business models in the same product?
  • Acquisition strategy aligned with the product: Any recent acquisitions to fill a specific hole for product-centric industries? Any official announcements to integrate recently acquired capabilities?
  • User Reviews: How specific are the reviews about this product’s capabilities? How recent and frequent are the reviews?
  • Must be an ERP product: Edge products such as HCM, CRM, eCommerce, MES, or accounting solutions that are not fully integrated to support enterprise-wide capabilities are not qualified for this list.

10. Odoo

Odoo is a great choice for product-centric startups outgrowing QuickBooks or other smaller accounting or CRM packages seeking to integrate their processes, minimizing data siloes. While Odoo is a great ERP system for companies starting on their ERP journey, its data model is leaner and designed to provide basic transactional capabilities. Among product-centric industries, Odoo could be a great fit for retail and commerce-centric startups with diverse business models operating in multiple countries. Odoo is also a superior fit in geographies where other operationally rich solutions might not be available. While great for consumerized products, Odoo might not be the best fit for complex products requiring complicated engineering and product models with deep layers of costing and MRP workloads. Well-adopted among product-centric companies, Odoo ranks at #10 for product-centric industries.

  1. Easier for companies outgrowing QuickBooks. The lean data model and workflows make it easier for product-centric startups transitioning from QuickBooks-like solutions. 
  2. Ecosystem and Development Help. The availability of cheaper technical talent globally helps product-centric startups extend or augment core capabilities.
  3. Ideal for diverse product-centric startups. The data and process model supports diverse industries, especially suitable for product-centric companies selling consulting services requiring project management capabilities.
  1. Mature capabilities are not as pre-baked as larger peers. Mature capabilities such as MRP, allocation, and batch are not as detailed as with other richer ERP systems. 
  2. An open-source ecosystem might lead to inexperienced developers promoting untested and unsecured code, causing cybersecurity issues or operational disruptions.
  3. Requires business consulting help to avoid overengineering by developers. Without access to seasoned ERP consultants, Odoo implementation is likely to run into implementation or adoption challenges.

9. Oracle Cloud ERP

Oracle Cloud ERP is a great choice for global product-centric enterprises. While major penetration of Oracle Cloud ERP is among service-centric verticals, it might be a fit for some product-centric verticals where the operational processes might not be as complex or hosted inside ERP. An example of such verticals would be retail, where the scope of ERP might limited to a corporate financial ledger. Oracle Cloud ERP is also a great choice for product-centric enterprises with evolving business models due to active acquisition cycles. An example of such companies would be either the holding companies or companies part of the PE portfolio requiring streamlining processes on one ERP system across the enterprise globally. Given its relevance and adoption among some verticals for product-centric industries, it ranks at #9 on our list.

  1. WMS and TMS Capabilities Bundled with the ERP. Oracle Cloud ERP has WMS and TMS processes tightly embedded as part of the ERP transactions, and it is especially friendly for retail and 3PL-centric operations. 
  2. Proven Solution with Large Workloads. Large product-centric companies may process millions of GL entries per hour. The workload Oracle Cloud ERP is designed to handle.
  3. Ecosystem.  It has an ecosystem of experienced consultants who have the capabilities to handle the design and architecture of such complex enterprises.
  1. Limited Last-mile Capabilities. The last-mile capabilities for specific product-centric verticals, such as industrial distribution or complex manufacturing, might be expensive to configure and implement.
  2. Not necessarily a Product-centric Solution. While installed with some large enterprises, it’s major focus is on service-centric verticals. 
  3. Overwhelming for SMB product-centric companies. Not a fit for SMB product-centric companies looking for a turn-key solution tailored to the processes of the specific micro-vertical.

8. Epicor Prophet 21

Epicor Prophet 21 is a great choice for industrial distributors seeking deeper operational capabilities with the flexibility of replacing most components offered as part of the Epicor Prophet 21 suite. The requirements for specialized tools or integration with third-party best-of-breed systems might lead to expensive and uncontrollable implementation costs. While Epicor Prophet 21 might be a great choice for smaller pure-play industrial distributors, it might not be the best choice for diverse product-centric companies operating globally. Given its relevance and adoption among industrial distribution companies but with limited application for other diversified product-centric industries, it ranks at #8 on our list.

  1. Rich Industrial ERP Distribution Systems Capabilities Provided Out-of-the-box. The system natively supports complex relationships between vendors and suppliers (and buying groups), along with capabilities such as branch accounting, retail-centric material flow, and warehouse architecture.
  2. Best for Prescriptive Architecture. Epicor Prophet 21 is a good fit when you can replace/use the systems provided in the Epicor ecosystem, such as payment providers, POS systems, shipping add-ons, and marketplace integrations. 
  3. Pre-integrated with Other Best-of-breed Industrial B2B Systems. Integration with other best-of-breed industrial eCommerce systems, such as Optimizely or Unilog, is pre-baked.
  1. Limited Capabilities to Support Diverse Distributors. Only fit for businesses with traditional business models with a limited number of channels. Not fit for modern distributors and DTC-centric businesses.
  2. Legacy Technology. While the new Kinetic experience can offer mature cloud capabilities such as enterprise search, the underlying data model and other cloud capabilities, such as mobile, are still legacy and patchy. 
  3. Ecosystem. Limited number of consultants and partners available to support the product. The marketplace is extremely limited to create the best-of-breed architecture.

7. Acumatica

Acumatica is a great choice for diverse product-centric companies from $10-$100M in revenue operating in a handful of developed countries. It is especially friendly for companies with diverse product-centric business models ranging from manufacturing, retail, and distribution, aiming to explore synergies among these operations. While great for diverse product-centric companies, it might not be the best for companies over $100M seeking mature ERP capabilities, such as complex MRP runs or allocation cycles. But it’s a great fit for smaller companies with limited implementation budgets. Given its relevance for smaller product-centric companies, it ranks at #7 on our list.

  1. B2B and B2C Products. Its data model is friendly for B2B businesses, with support for complex customer hierarchies and pricing (and discounting layers). It also supports divisional/branch accounting with warehouse-level pricing and replenishment strategies.
  2. Diverse Capabilities to Support the Needs of Multiple Business Models. Support for hybrid business models in the same product/database, such as manufacturing and distribution (or manufacturing combined with construction, DTC, or field service). 
  3. Cloud-native UI and Flexible Pricing Options. Consumption-based pricing options reduce costs substantially for certain business models, such as seasonal businesses with labor spikes.
  1. Limited Global Capabilities. The current multi-entity functionality might be limiting for companies with operationally connected offshore locations.
  2. Limited Mobile Reporting Capabilities.  The mobile capabilities are leaner for complex reporting scenarios such as parallel processing. 
  3. Multiple Add-ons may be Required for Regulated Industries and Complex Manufacturing. Requires several add-ons, such as MES, PLM, and quality, posing integration and communication challenges.

6. Epicor Kinetic

Epicor Kinetic is a great choice for companies with complex manufacturing and distribution operations in the industrial verticals. Its product data model is especially friendlier for complex, regulated industries with formal engineering processes. It can also support project-centric manufacturing and distribution-centric operations with the same product. While great for manufacturing, it’s not as great for diverse operations, especially for FMCG or retail-centric product companies. Given its relevance among manufacturing companies but limited applicability for other business models globally, it ranks at #6 on our list.

  1. Strong for Companies with Formal Manufacturing Processes. Mandatory revision numbers and the BOMs driven by revision numbers would be especially appealing for formal engineering organizations with their BOMs aligned to Epicor Kinetic’s data model.
  2. Strong with Complex Inventory Needs. Companies requiring multiple attributes that need to be part of the planning and MRP, such as metal, fastener, automotive, and aerospace, would find Epicor Kinetic appealing.
  3. Microsoft Look-and-feel. Epicor has a very similar look and feel to Microsoft ERP products, providing you with the same experience but with much deeper last-mile capabilities where other products might struggle.
  1. Global Financial Operations. Unlike larger products that might support more than three layers of financial hierarchies, such as corp, subsidiary, entity, and business units, the limited number of layers would require operationally inefficient workarounds, such as using sub-accounts for such traceability.
  2. Embedded Experience with Field Service and Quality. Despite recent acquisitions, the field service capabilities are not as embedded, making it challenging for some product-centric verticals, such as aftermarket, where such capabilities are essential.
  3. Weak Ecosystem and Marketplace. Epicor takes a suite approach to its products while selling directly to its customers, limiting the overall consulting and marketplace penetration.

5. Infor CloudSuite LN/M3

Infor CloudSuite LN and M3 are two completely different products, targeting large manufacturing companies in the upper mid-market and lower enterprise segments. LN targets complex manufacturing products such as rocketships, satellites, or construction machinery. Meanwhile, Infor M3 suits apparel, F&B, and chemical manufacturing. They might be great for pure-play manufacturing capabilities, but they might not be the best fit for other product-centric verticals such as pure-play retail or distribution. Given their relevance for manufacturing companies with limited applicability for other verticals, it ranks at #5 on our list.

  1. Global Operations. Only solutions in the market with sufficient financial hierarchies and global trade compliance functionality pre-baked with products to support manufacturers exploring global financial and operational synergies. 
  2. Last-mile Capabilities Along With Breadth of Capabilities for Diversified Manufacturing Business Models. Verticals such as apparel manufacturing require the deeper integration of PLM, vendor portals, and merchandising solutions. Complex manufacturing requires handling units, several layers of allocation management, and international trade compliance.
  3. Best-of-breed Integrations Offered Out-of-the-box. Most tools that a manufacturer would require, such as HCM, PLM, data lake, ERP, WMS, TMS, and advanced supply chain planning, are all pre-integrated with LN and M3.
  1. Might Not be the Best Fit as a Corporate Solution for Holding and Private Equity Companies. Holding companies as diverse as manufacturing, construction, and professional services may not be able to keep all of their entities on one solution.
  2. Legacy UI and Experience. Infor LN and M3 are both legacy solutions with technical limitations to provide the cloud-native experience with universal search, mobile experience, etc.
  3. Weak Ecosystem and Marketplace. The consulting base and marketplaces are virtually non-existent for both Infor LN and M3.

4. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a great fit for globally diverse SMB companies seeking to host multiple product-centric business models in one solution. Its data model is especially friendly for FMCG and pharma-centric companies, with an ecosystem containing add-ons to support most business models. With the limited operational depth, it might require several add-ons and might not be the best fit for companies seeking depth with industrial distribution or manufacturing. Given its wider application and broader relevance for several product-centric business models, it ranks at #4 on our list.

  1. Rich Distribution ERP Systems Capabilities Natively Supported. Replenishment strategies such as warehouse-level transfers, license plate construction, and bin-level capabilities are supported out-of-the-box for complex distribution businesses.
  2. Cloud-native Architecture. The product has been completely rearchitected using the cloud-native architecture
  3. Global Capabilities and Ecosystem. Unlike several products such as Acumatica, which is primarily a North American product, it has support for several European, Asian, and African countries where most products might struggle.
  1. Limited Capabilities to Support Diverse Product-centric Companies. Only fit for FMCG-centric distributors. The industrial distribution would require add-ons to support capabilities such as buying groups, HVAC code integration, and vendor catalogs.
  2. Unproven Add-ons and Unqualified Consulting Networks. Microsoft partner processes are not as streamlined as other vendors. So it may require the help of an independent ERP consultant to vet the add-ons and architecture in the Microsoft ecosystem.
  3. Ecosystem. While the ecosystem may have options for distribution industries where BC specializes in, it might not have integrations with the best-of-breed eCommerce systems in the industrial distribution space.

3. NetSuite

Like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, NetSuite is a great fit for globally operating SMB companies requiring multiple business models hosted in one solution. With the capabilities built to support operations for both publicly and privately owned companies, its application is much broader compared to other solutions. While great for diverse business models, it might not be the best fit for complex industrial distribution or manufacturing requiring a much thicker add-on. Given its broader application for various business models among product-centric companies, it ranks at #3 on our list.

  1. B2C Data Model and Processes. NetSuite’s data model is especially attractive for B2C companies with integration requirements with several B2C channels, such as marketplaces.
  2. Global Capabilities. NetSuite can natively support the localization requirements of more than 100 countries. As well as consolidating and supporting intercompany transactions.
  3. Ecosystem. NetSuite has one of the largest ecosystems with pre-baked integration available to support the integration with multiple digital and physical channels.
  1. Limited B2B Capabilities. The data model and pricing are not friendly for B2B companies. The pricing layers are not as scalable as other systems, such as Acumatica. NetSuite may struggle with the complex product catalog for industrial distributors.
  2. Limited Capabilities for Diverse Distributors. Distributors with diverse business models with manufacturing, construction, or field service might require several add-ons.
  3. Not Designed for Large Companies. NetSuite may struggle with transactional workload requirements of companies over $1B, especially for transactional businesses aiming to process their end-to-end transactions inside NetSuite.


SAP S/4 HANA is a great fit for large, global enterprises operating globally, publicly or privately owned. Its product model can support MRP runs of very complex product-centric organizations aiming to find synergies globally, whether in a shared services model or in two-tier settings. While great for larger organizations, it might not be the best fit for smaller companies with limited IT budgets. With one of the strongest capabilities for product-centric companies seeking mature ERP capabilities after outgrowing smaller ERP packages such as Acumatica or NetSuite, it ranks at #2 on our list.

  1. Large Workloads. SAP S/4 HANA could process more than 100K serialized goods receipts within 22 secs while Oracle Cloud ERP took more than 18 mins for the same test. SAP S/4 HANA’s design allows companies to process the workload requirements of Fortune 500 when every other system might struggle.
  2. Best-of-breed Architecture for Distributors. SAP’s best-of-breed architecture can support the business model of large distributors, irrespective of whether they are a traditional distributor or a combination of 3PL, which typically has a different warehouse and TMS architecture than traditional distributors.
  3. Financial Traceability and Control. Fortune 500 organizations with shared service models spread in multiple countries would appreciate the financial traceability built at the document level.
  1. Weak Operational Capabilities for the Cloud. The last-mile capabilities available with some of the mid-market products may require substantial development with SAP S/4 HANA.
  2. Limited Pre-baked Integration. The third-party integration options such as integration with eCommerce platforms, POS systems, channel connectivity, etc may require substantial development efforts.
  3. Overwhelming for Smaller Organizations. The complex workflows built to support the processes of large, complex organizations may overwhelm organizations seeking simpler solutions without unnecessary processes and approval flows.

1. Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O

Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O is a great fit for global companies in the upper mid-market or lower enterprise segment seeking mature cloud ERP capabilities. Unlike smaller ERP systems such as NetSuite or MS Dynamics 365 Business Central F&O would not require as many add-ons, simplifying the implementation and limiting implementation risks. While great for larger global companies, it might not be the best fit for smaller product-centric companies. With its equal depth for both discrete and process-centric verticals, it’s one of the most diverse solutions on this list. Given its wider adoption for several business models among product-centric companies, it ranks at #1 on our list.

  1. Operationally Richest Cloud Product for Large Complex Businesses. Businesses that have multiple global entities with complex business models such as discrete and process manufacturing, distribution, and project-based business models would find Microsoft Dynamics F&O attractive.
  2. Cloud-native Architecture. The product has been completely rearchitected using the cloud-native architecture. Cloud capabilities are stronger than competing products for distributors such as SAP S/4 HANA and Oracle ERP Cloud.
  3. Common Data Model and Database-level Integration for Best-of-breed Architecture. Large, complex systems could be frightening to use for sales and field service crews. Microsoft provides pre-baked integration with the best-of-breed CRM and field service products.
  1. Financial Traceability and Audit Support. Complex global organizations may struggle with financial traceability and SOX compliance capabilities.
  2. Large Workloads. Compared to SAP S/4 HANA, it might not be able to match the performance expectations of large complex organizations where companies may need to process millions of journal entries per hr.
  3. Overwhelming for Smaller Organizations. The complex workflows built to support the processes of large, complex organizations may overwhelm organizations seeking simpler solutions without unnecessary processes and approval flows.

ERP Implementation Failure Recovery

Learn how Frederick Wildman struggled with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP implementation failure even after spending over $5M and what options they had for recovery.


Despite apparent similarities, ERP systems for product and service industries are distinctly different, creating potential confusion due to shared terminology. Crucially, the inventory requirements diverge significantly between service-centric and product-centric organizations. If you are selecting an ERP System for Product-Centric Industries, be sure to scrutinize the intricacies of inventory layer structures, focusing on alignment with the specific needs of product-centric industries. Opting for an independent ERP consultant is a wise choice, especially if navigating these nuances isn’t part of your daily routine.


Top 10 Real-Time Transportation Visibility Platforms 2024

In the realm of real-time transportation visibility platforms, apparent similarities abound, with each touting comparable capabilities. Yet, distinctions emerge; some specialize in specific modes, while others offer multi-modal prowess. Geographic coverage further diverges, with prevalence in North America for some and exclusive focus on Europe for others. While some function as standalone applications, their primary role lies in empowering supply chain control tower applications—integral solutions seeking to finalize the supply chain equation through carrier-centric data.

Though widely embraced, real-time transportation visibility platforms represent a relatively recent phenomenon. Previously, such capabilities were unattainable due to the absence of industry-wide traceability. Although, the advent of carrier networks and ELD regulations has now unlocked these datasets. These newly accessible datasets wield substantial power independently and, when correlated, amplify the insights furnished by these platforms. Real-time visibility platforms extend beyond supply chain traceability, delving particularly into advanced scenarios like transportation risk management across geopolitical boundaries facilitated by technologies like blockchain. 

Top 10 Real-time Transportation Visibility Platforms In 2024

The deployment of RFID chips on containers facilitates detailed traceability, particularly encompassing international multi-party BOM tracking. Platforms enhanced with AI and ML showcase impressive KPIs, achieving a 99.99% accuracy in delivery ETA. Notwithstanding pre-established networks and datasets, challenges arise in onboarding current carriers, potentially leading to misleading insights and incomplete traceability. Thus, platforms offering a superior user experience and streamlined onboarding processes are likely to provide enhanced insights. While the suitability of these platforms varies, some are tailored for SMB customers, and others are designed as enterprise-grade solutions. Now, let’s delve into the top 10 real-time transportation visibility platforms in 2024.

The 2025 Digital Transformation Report

Thinking of embarking on a ERP journey and looking for a digital transformation report? Want to learn the best practices of digital transformation? Then, you have come to the right place.

10. TruckerTools

TruckerTools is perhaps the smallest solution on this list, targeting freight brokers to see load visibility. The number of modes is substantially limited, without the coverage for modes such as air or ocean. With the limitation of its network, it might not be the best fit for companies seeking a platform with international multi-modal traceability.

  • ELD integration. While the platform is relatively smaller, ELD integration allows data to be acquired in an autonomous fashion without relying on manual acquisition.
  • SMB friendly. The simplicity of the solution and the costs would be friendlier for SMB companies.
  • Detailed visibility. While not as comprehensive with the coverage, the visibility use cases are detailed.
  • Does not cover other modes of transportation, such as air or ocean. The visibility is primarily limited to trucking data, making it not a right fit for multi-modal traceability.
  • Clunky UI. The clunky UI might lead to poor adoption among carriers, making data collection harder and insights misleading.
  • Integrating with TMS requires consulting help. While cheaper with licensing, the consulting help required for integration TMS might be expensive for smaller companies.

9. IntelliTrans

IntelliTrans, compared to TruckerTools, is slightly richer with its capabilities, especially for multi-modal scenarios. While it covers several models, the network coverage is limited compared to other advanced tools such as Project44 or FourKites. It is a great option for SMBs looking for multi-modal capabilities with some level of TMS integration provided, but may not the best fit for large enterprises seeking comprehensive network coverage and end-to-end supply chain traceability.

  • SMB-friendly. While not as comprehensive a network for exhaustive multi-modal traceability, the costs and leaner layers of the software make it SMB-friendly.
  • Multimodal features. Compared to TruckerTools, it covers more modes such as road, rail, and ocean than being just limited to trucking data.
  • Integrated TMS. Integrated TMS would reduce consulting costs, but further vetting may be required to ensure the use cases supported by pre-integrated workflows would work for the datasets and the use cases that need to be supported.
  • Limited to road, rail, and ocean. Limited coverage might lead to misleading and incomplete insights but may be OK for companies on a budget. 
  • Not designed for large enterprises. Large enterprises requiring mature capabilities such as AI and ML, with comprehensive coverage for networks, might find it limiting.
  • Ecosystem limited. The companies consulting on the tool might be limiting, making it harder to find talent relying on vendor-provided professional services.

8. Blume Global

Blume Global is another option for SMB companies needing global visibility with multimodal features. Post-acquisition with WiseTech, it can now offer broader capabilities, including pre-integrated TMS offerings, just like Trimble. Due to the limited AI and ML workflows and network coverage, it might not be the best fit for companies seeking mature capabilities.

  • Multimodal features. This is especially helpful for companies seeking global traceability across most modes.
  • Integrated TMS. The integrated TMS would reduce consulting costs, but further vetting is required to ensure the usability of pre-integrated workflows.
  • Now part of WiseTech Global group. Due to the integration with WiseTech Global Group, its financial sustainability would not be an issue.
  • Ecosystem limited. The limited ecosystem makes it challenging to find talent and a consulting base compared to larger peers.
  • Not as well adopted or funded as other options. While it is part of the WiseTech group, it’s not as adopted as other options such as Project44 or FourKites.
  • Not as comprehensive as other options on this list. The network is limiting, making the datasets potentially biased and misleading for companies seeking multi-modal traceability.

7. Overhaul

Overhaul is an enterprise-grade option for companies seeking global trade traceability and transparency. It has some unique capabilities, such as integrated RiskGPT, helping companies manage their risks. However, the platform might not be built as other solutions on this list, with limited options to mine relevant insights.

  • Great transportation visibility tool. This is especially useful for companies seeking global traceability, especially in areas such as insurance, theft, etc.
  • GSOC feed integrated along with visibility. The integration of GSOC data makes it unique for risks and security-centric workflows.
  • AI and RiskGPT capabilities integrated. Compared to smaller options limited with AI capabilities, it features richer AI and RiskGPT capabilities for risk forecasting and prevention.
  • Communication errors between the carrier and the platform. The communication between the carrier and the platform might not be as seamless, causing issues with communication and leaving datasets unreliable.
  • The limited network may require carriers to participate. Because of the limited network, companies would be required to invite their carriers that might not already be on the platform, making the adoption harder and insights potentially biased and misleading.
  • Not as well as designed and might be cluttered with GPS pings. While the system has tons of data, navigating through data might be a challenge because of the missing scalable layers to customize insights relevant to each user in the company.

6. Trimble Transporeon

Trimble Transporeon is a comprehensive solution, particularly strong with the carrier and trucking side of data, making it ideal for transportation companies or companies with internal fleets, such as agriculture or construction. It might not be the best fit for enterprises seeking mature capabilities with AI and ML workflows and multimodal traceability through the international supply chain.

  • Over 150K carriers are part of the network. One of the largest sample sizes of carriers, making carrier adoption easier.
  • Integrates with over 3000 ERP and TMS systems. The pre-integrated workflows help mine data and with integration without expensive consulting costs.
  • Power of Trimble’s powerful maps and telematics technology, timeslot, and retail timeslot management. Trimble’s unique offering includes powerful maps and telematics technology, augmenting ELD and carrier-centric data and providing more accurate metrics.
  • Mainly an European solution. While a comprehensive network, its geo exposure is limited, with Europe being the main focus, struggling in other geographies such as North America.
  • Relies on some datasets on other players, such as Roambee. Due to the limited datasets, they rely on other providers for some datasets, such as Roambee.
  • Not as comprehensive as other solutions on this list. While a great solution for several industries, it’s not as comprehensive as some of the other solutions on this list.

5. Shippeo

Shippeo is great for companies looking for road transportation visibility, mainly focused on Europe. It’s network is not as comprehensive as other solutions such as Project44 or FourKites, especially covering different geographies. While a great solution for Europe, it might not be the best fit for companies seeking global traceability across all modes.

  • Carbon emission tracking. One of the unique advantages of Shippeo is that it provides carbon emission data, especially useful for geographies such as Europe where carbon emissions tracking may be used as an input for planning and reporting.
  • Accurate truck positioning. Due to the rich datasets, it can provide far superior positioning of trucks, making ETAs far more reliable and helping with planning, generally difficult with other tools that might not be as accurate with truck positioning.
  • Machine learning to calculate ETA. Shippeo is packaged with machine-learning capabilities to complete the missing datasets. 
  • Network not as strong as other platforms. The current network is not as strong as other solutions, such as Project44 or FourKites.
  • Mainly a European solution as well. Since it is focused on Europe, companies in other geographies might find it challenging.
  • Not integrated suite as other platforms. The other platforms on this list have more integrated capabilities, augmenting limited datasets and providing richer insights.

4. Descartes (MacroPoint)

Descartes MacroPoint is the best for global freight visibility and carrier capacity for logistics-intensive businesses such as freight brokers or logistics service providers. Unlike other solutions on this list with limited data and security models, Descartes MacroPoint offers enterprise layers that accommodate the needs of different personas, ensuring the right insights for the right user profiles. Descartes MacroPoint would not be a great fit for SMB companies seeking a simpler solution with a limited budget.

  • The ability to fine-tune alerts and accurately track the driver’s location all the time. The systems with limited data and security layers make gleaning insights overwhelming, impacting product adoption.  
  • Global coverage. It’s not as limited as other SMB solutions on this list, with its coverage for various geographies.
  • Focus on logistics-centric businesses. Logistics-centric businesses have a very unique need, with a primary focus on international BOM data, where Descartes is extremely strong.
  • Expensive. While great from a coverage perspective, smaller companies might struggle to justify the price tag.
  • Carrier performance might not be as strong. Compared to other options on this list, carrier performance data might not be as strong, leaving a critical dataset for end-to-end traceability.
  • Designed from the perspective of logistics providers, limited carrier network. While great for logistics service providers as they have unique needs, it might be limiting for diverse business models.

3. e2open

e2open is the best for global companies looking for a complete suite, including network, planning, and execution. While it relies on other solutions, such as FourKites and Project44, for carrier-centric data, it could be a powerful for companies seeking real-time transportation visibility platforms because of other datasets, enriching the transportation data and completing the supply chain equation. It might not be the best fit for companies seeking simpler solutions.

  • Complete suite. The biggest advantage of e2open is that it’s a complete suite, combining all modes and geographies, making it one of the strongest platforms for end-to-end supply chain traceability.
  • Combined network channel and carrier. e2open has its own network, making the adoption far easier for companies onboarding their existing carriers.
  • Richer data and analytics. The AI and ML capabilities and the power of the network, along with the security and data layer, offer decision-grade data that might not be available through any other platforms.
  • Relies on Shippeo for transport visibility data. While e2open has some carriers and data, it relies on Shippeo for the datasets, posing sustainability issues if it loses its relationship with Shippeo or if Shippeo gets acquired by a competitor. 
  • Expensive. With the amount of capabilities packed as part of the solution, it might be cost-prohibitive for SMBs.
  • It is not the best fit for companies looking for a standalone RTV platform. e2open is a suite and not necessarily an RTV platform if the cross-functional alignment might be a challenge, and this platform needs to be purchased at the departmental level.

2. FourKites

FourKites is perhaps the best platform for enterprises seeking standalone real-time transportation visibility platforms. It has global coverage across all modes. But might not be the best for companies seeking suite capabilities across the supply chain and not just transportation. Also, it might not be the best fit for SMBs seeking an affordable solution.

  • 490K Carriers, ETAs 6x more accurate, 98% of global ocean traffic, and 17K airports. Compared to other solutions on this list, FourKites has one of the most comprehensive coverage and is more accurate because of its data coverage.
  • 1.5M monthly parcel and last mile load. The inclusion of parcel and last mile load is an added advantage and a critical component for end-to-end transportation traceability.
  • Visibility past transportation to include yards, warehouses, and stores. While the purpose is to include just the transportation visibility, including yards, warehouses, and stores, it helps with end-to-end visibility of the entire transportation value chain. 
  • Expensive. The comprehensive datasets and AI and ML capabilities to forecast decision-grade data make it expensive for SMBs.
  • Not as strong with service parts. The intent of the platform is not to provide the supplier-side of traceability. So it would not be a great fit for the supply chain visibility needed for supplier collaboration in business units such as spare parts businesses.
  • Limited integration with other TMS systems. Some of the TMS systems might not be as integrated, requiring companies to spend on consulting efforts.

1. Project44

Project44 is the best for SMBs seeking standalone real-time transportation visibility platforms. Compared to FourKites, Project44 is relatively friendlier for SMBs. It also provides a guarantee for carrier compliance, a huge risk for companies struggling to get their carriers on the platform, leading to misleading insights and unreliable data. Project44 is also GDPR-compliant, making it friendlier for geographies such as Europe.

  • Carrier compliance guarantee. One of the biggest challenges in being successful with real-time transportation visibility platforms is carrier onboarding. Project44 not only has one of the largest carrier onboarding, minimizing the need to onboard as many carriers. But they also offer a guarantee because of how streamlined the process is. 
  • 230K+ carriers, 760 ELD providers over more than 48 countries, 4.33 million drivers, 3.55 M trucks, 800K fleets. These data points make them one of the largest global networks.
  • GDPR compliant. Project44 is perhaps one of the few systems that are GDPR-compliant, highly relevant for companies with a presence in the European market. 
  • Steep learning curve. The enterprise and scalable layers might require change management and training budget, which also might be out of reach for some SMBs.
  • Not an open platform. The open platform makes it easier and creates trust for carriers to join. While they are not open, they are one of the largest networks. Not being open might lead to mistrust among carriers and, as a result, their resistance to joining the network.
  • Requires carriers to agree on connecting. Carriers might not agree to join the network, thus leading to misleading insights and incomplete data, which is where their guarantee might be helpful. 

ERP Implementation Failure Recovery

Learn how Frederick Wildman struggled with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP implementation failure even after spending over $5M and what options they had for recovery.


Choosing real-time transportation visibility platforms necessitates insight into the underlying network, particularly data sources. Without this awareness, platforms may seem indistinguishable, potentially resulting in misguided choices. While some aspects, like platform vetting, maybe within your control, poor user experience could hinder adoption within your carrier network, impacting desired outcomes. If you’re exploring the top 10 real-time visibility platforms, consider leveraging the expertise of independent supply chain consultants for a successful selection.


Top 10 Supply Chain Business Network Platforms In 2024

Before the advent of supply chain business networks, industries depended on research and survey-based approaches for supply chain planning. Companies in the data business often erred significantly, leading to inefficiencies throughout the supply chain. Establishing networks was challenging due to communication standard disparities and the difficulty of persuading the entire industry to converge on a single platform. While business-to-business communication relied on standards like XML or EDI, they offered limited connectivity and acknowledgment without centralized repositories to drive industry-wide supply chains.

As EDI networks expanded, they evolved to extract valuable data, especially for carriers. However, the supply chain equation still lacked traceability. Mode-specific networks emerged, effectively connecting stakeholders within each mode. Yet, achieving end-to-end supply chain traceability and control tower capabilities remained elusive due to industry-wide data silos. Recognizing this challenge, private equity firms saw the necessity of consolidating these silos into comprehensive networks that encompass various supply chain elements.

Top 10 Supply Chain Business Network Platforms In 2024

Unlocking the full potential of technology, achieving supply chain traceability requires strategic approaches. Managing domestic communication networks is feasible, yet crossing geopolitical boundaries introduces unique challenges. Global traceability remains elusive, given national security and data privacy concerns. Blockchain technology emerges as a solution, seamlessly connecting datasets while upholding security interests. The landscape expands with ESG and e-invoicing initiatives, broadening the equation. While the origin of each network varies, each serves a distinct purpose. These networks not only ensure end-to-end traceability globally but also supply essential data for AI algorithms, transforming demand forecasting. Intrigued about the top 10 supply chain business network platforms in 2024? Let’s delve into the exploration.

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10. Pagero

Just like the role OpenText played for enterprise e-invoicing and document exchange for the stakeholders across the supply chain, Pagero’s cloud-native platform filled the same gap for SMBs, offering them a network very similar to OpenText. Pagero would be relevant if you are looking for a good document exchange solution, including e-invoicing support with trading partners for various markets. While Pagero’s network fills the gap with critical supply chains, they are not the best fit if you are looking for a vendor that could provide end-to-end supply chain visibility and traceability data, ranking at #10 on this list.

  • Cloud-native interface. Pagero technologies are cloud-native, making vendor onboarding super easy, allowing you to not only use the vendors and carriers already on the network but invite your trading partners to the platforms as well, expanding the network even further.
  • Easy connecting with trading partners. Connecting and onboarding new vendors could be done with a few clicks, reducing the friction and resistance of those who might not be willing to join the network because of friction in the process.
  • E-invoicing compliance capabilities. Not many technologies in the market can allow true eInvoicing capabilities, which are critical to comply with processes in several countries, even for custom compliance requirements.
  • Limited to document exchange. The scope of the network is limited to document exchange related to eInvoicing and communication with trading partners.
  • Limited suite capabilities. Companies looking for an entire suite that could utilize the data generated by the network might not be the best fit.
  • Not a real supply chain business network. It’s not necessarily a supply chain business network, but it does provide critical capabilities to communicate with supply chain stakeholders.


TESISQUARE presents a unique network origin, initially focusing on supplier collaboration within manufacturing and engineering value chains. Unlike carrier or eInvoicing networks, its strength lies predominantly in the European market, offering specific capabilities within the supply chain. While not comprehensive for the entire supply chain, it excels as a supplier collaboration network with strength within the SAP ecosystem. TESISQUARE secures a spot at #9 on our list, providing control tower features geared toward tracking supplier collaboration.

  • Strong competence with SAP. They started with SAP partners to provide collaboration capabilities for SAP customers, leading to superior integration with SAP technologies.
  • Sending drawings etc to suppliers. Not many companies can help with the engineering collaboration where drawings need to be collaborated with suppliers, providing them a unique value prop.
  • Control tower capabilities. While limited capabilities, they have control tower capabilities, offering a centralized view of your supply chain.
  • Limited to European network. Their network is primarily limited to European carriers, which might be limiting for companies seeking to track global supply chains.
  • Fairly small network limited to European countries. The small network can lead to a biased view of the network, leading to partially completed data that is not as superior as other platforms on this list.
  • Limited suite and data. The suite capabilities are very limited to a very specific use case, and not a complete suite similar to technologies such as e2open.

8. Elemica

Elemica originated as a carrier and document exchange network, similar to EDI vendors or shipping platforms, with a primary focus on process manufacturers. Since process manufacturers require unique capabilities with document exchange and shipping needs, their network is focused on specific geography, use cases, and industries, limiting their applicability as a true supply chain business network. But they could be a great platform if you are looking to communicate and collaborate with industry-focused trading partners. Given their pros and cons, they rank at #8 on our list.

  • SMB friendly. Their platform is very SMB-centric for companies looking for basic communication capabilities within a TMS, especially ideal for companies for which supply chain footprint might be limited because of outsourced supply chains to 3PL and carrier companies.
  • Connect with carriers, including rate shopping. Allows companies looking for basic carrier communication capabilities, including rate shopping.
  • Chemical and process industry-specific capabilities. The chemical and process industry is very unique because of its complex inventory and quality requirements, requiring specific capabilities in a network platform.
  • Not a real supply chain business network. While a great connectivity platform, it’s not really a real supply chain business network for companies seeking end-to-end traceability and true control tower capabilities.
  • Really a document exchange and small shipping software. It’s really a very small package for document exchange and shipping needs.
  • Smaller network footprint concentrated on certain industries. The size of the network is small, limiting its scope as a supply chain business network.

7. True Commerce

True Commerce is primarily an EDI network connecting trading partners in the automotive ecosystem, serving as a visibility platform for the automotive industry. While it could be a great value add for SMBs that might have access to a more robust supply chain platform, it’s not necessarily a true supply chain business network. But it could be a great network if your goal is to primarily connect with trading partners through EDI, ranking at #7 on our list.

  • Easy connectivity with trading partners. The main benefit of True Commerce is trading partner communication, with a very lean network for visibility needs.
  • SMB-friendly. It’s not as cost-prohibitive as other platforms on this list, making it friendlier for SMBs.
  • Not a real supply chain business network. While great for connectivity, it’s not a real supply chain platform for companies seeking end-to-end traceability of their supply chain, along with control tower capabilities.
  • Visibility is limited to Automotive. While great for the automotive value chain, it’s not the best fit for other industries.
  • Limited insights and network size. The limited network size would provide biased insights and incomplete data that might not be as valuable for supply chain planning as with other platforms.

6. OpenText

OpenText provides enterprise-grade content exchange and trade document networks primarily for enterprise ERP ecosystems such as SAP or Oracle to provide connectivity with trading partners. With ESG and eInvoicing capabilities housed with these networks as well, their network has been expanded to these workflows, expanding their network further. While it’s a great platform for connectivity and collaboration, it’s not necessarily a true supply chain business network, ranking it as #6 on our rank for this year.

  • Best-of-breed content management platform for enterprise workloads. It is one of the leading products for centralized management and distribution of physical document exchange.
  • A business network for trading partner collaboration. One of the largest networks for trading partner collaboration.
  • Global compliance. Global compliance capabilities require unique processes for each country and supply chain lanes, providing enterprise-grade compliance capabilities.
  • Not a true supply chain visibility platform. While great for execution-centric capabilities with an external network, it’s not a true supply chain platform.
  • Not friendly for SMBs. The enterprise compliance layers and business rules might be overwhelming for SMBs.
  • Expensive. SMBs limited on budget and not caring for enterprise capabilities might find it overly expensive.

5. Kinaxis/MPO

Kinaxis, just like e2open,  takes a very different approach to its suite and has a true supply chain business network that it owns, enabling the AI and ML workflows crucial for decision-grade data. Their network will provide end-to-end supply chain traceability for all global modes and control tower capabilities. While it might be a great planning suite for manufacturing-centric verticals, as in these industries, planning processes do not need to be tightly integrated with operational workflows, it might not be a great fit for retail-centric verticals as they require planning processes to be tightly integrated with order management, store and floor planning, warehouse, and procurement.

  • Planning solutions integrated with the network. Integrated network with the planning solution provides unique capabilities for manufacturing-centric industries.
  • Complementary capabilities for SAP and Oracle customers. Perhaps one of the best networks along with S&OP platforms for companies already on SAP and Oracle for their ERP.
  • Decision-grade intelligence. The network provides proprietary data, and because of that, they are able to offer decision-grade data for their planning cycles.
  • Not a strong execution component. Their biggest drawback is that they don’t have a strong execution component bundled as part of the suite, but for their industries, the suite might not be as relevant as it is for retail industries.
  • The network is not as strong as its competitors. The strength of their network might not be as strong as other networks, such as e2open, limiting the quality of decision-grade data.

4. One Network Enterprises

One Network is one of the strongest networks for industry-wide collaboration and control tower capabilities. The network features a strong partner network, providing traceability across geopolitical boundaries using its unique technology capabilities, allowing it to have such traceability. The network is also uniquely positioned for complex scenarios such as counterfeit tracking or global pharma supply chain, making the network more relevant for the execution function than for planning, ranking it at #4 on our list.

  • More than 75 companies in the partner network. Their strong partner network provides them with data to provide global supply chain capabilities combining all modes and regions.
  • Telematics-Enabled Control Tower. The telematics data gathered from across the world help them provide end-to-end traceability that other networks might not have.
  • Multi-party BOM tracking. This tracking is especially useful for tracking across all stakeholders, providing traceability for pharma or counterfeit.
  • Not SMB-friendly. Global traceability might not be as relevant for SMB companies and might be expensive.
  • Weak planning and execution capabilities. While great with network and global TMS-centric capabilities, other execution components might not be missing for non-transportation or 3PL companies, which might require traceability among trading partners and suppliers, along with an external supply chain.
  • Limited network. While one of the strongest, the network is not as comprehensive as e2open, making it less reliable for decision-grade data.

3. SupplyOn

Much like OneNetwork and TESISQUARE, SupplyOn centers around procurement and supplier collaboration. While OneNetwork emphasizes global collaboration and industry-wide BOM tracking, SupplyOn, akin to TESISQUARE and Infor Nexus, specializes in procurement and supplier collaboration. It may not delve as deeply into the carrier aspect of the network. Although possessing data from a broader array of companies and countries than OneNetwork, its dataset might not match the completeness of networks like e2open. However, for those focused on procurement and supplier collaboration needs, SupplyOn stands out, earning the #3 spot on our list.

  • 140 companies from 100 countries. The company and country set is much larger than OneNetwork but might not be as comprehensive as e2open.
  • Primarily focused on the procurement network and e-invoicing. The focus on the procurement network and e-invoicing would provide much stronger capabilities for this area, although weaker on the carrier side of the network.
  • Not SMB-friendly. The platform is not meant to be for SMBs so they will find it expensive.
  • Weak planning and execution capabilities. While great for the network, it does not have embedded planning or execution capabilities for companies looking for embedded workflows utilizing this data and network, increasing the consulting and implementation budget in using it as part of the architecture, but at the same providing flexibility for the best-of-breed architecture or depart level purchase.
  • Not as comprehensive as other platforms. The network coverage is not as comprehensive as other platforms on this list due to its primary focus on the supplier collaboration and procurement side of data.

2. Infor Nexus

Infor Nexus primarily serves as a visibility platform, focusing on the procurement and supplier collaboration aspects of the network. It relies on external datasets, such as those from partners like Project44 and FourKites, for carrier-side information. While it excels in meeting the supplier and procurement collaboration needs of verticals like automotive and aerospace, it falls short of providing a comprehensive supply chain business network. Nevertheless, its strength lies in fostering tight collaboration with other architectural layers, such as WMS and ERP, in industries where this collaboration is crucial. As a result, Infor Nexus secures the #2 spot on our list.

  • Integrated with Infor solutions such as WMS and ERP. For industries where embedded experience with internal solutions such as WMS or ERP matters, it would provide a tighter experience because of pre-baked integration.
  • Planning integrated with a network similar to Kinexis. Integrated planning would utilize a proprietary network, a similar strategy as Kinexis for decision-grade data, an architecture strategy relevant for these verticals.
  • Collaboration and orchestration with global suppliers. Collaboration and orchestration with global suppliers would help with scenarios such as joint planning and forecasting, which are much more relevant for these industries.
  • Leaner execution component compared to E2 Open. The execution, especially pertaining to external and global supply chains, would be weaker, requiring external components.
  • Not SMB friendly. SMBs might find it overwhelming and expensive if they don’t care for global collaboration or joint planning with their suppliers.
  • Limited ecosystem. The consulting base and ecosystem might be limited as compared to other options on this list.

1. e2open

e2open stands out as one of the most comprehensive platforms, encompassing a wide range of capabilities within a suite, including planning and execution, coupled with a robust network. In contrast to other solutions that may focus on specific datasets and networks in particular regions, e2open’s network spans suppliers, carriers, and ELD data, covering all modes and geographies. Its versatility shines when managing diverse operations, seamlessly supporting combined business models such as retail and manufacturing under the same portfolio. As a market leader, e2open secures the top spot at #1 on our list.

  • The most comprehensive suite combines the power of planning. The most comprehensive suite can work for global and comprehensive business models as complex as retail and manufacturing, especially for business models such as Aftermarket, which are highly complex and combine elements of many industries.
  • Execution and networks, are adopted by large enterprises. e2open has one of the largest logos on this list and is installed very commonly alongside SAP and Oracle.
  • Cloud-native UI. Compared to other platforms on this list, e2open has relatively modern technology.
  • Expensive. SMBs not caring for external supply chain traceability or decision-grade data might find it expensive.
  • Not SMB friendly. The enterprise business rules and layers might be overwhelming for SMBs.

ERP Implementation Failure Recovery

Learn how Frederick Wildman struggled with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP implementation failure even after spending over $5M and what options they had for recovery.


Revolutionizing supply chain planning, industry networks have reshaped the landscape. While you may not directly engage with these networks, comprehending their dynamics is key to evaluating supply chain visibility and platforms touting AI or control tower features. The robustness of their network shapes decision-grade data quality, influencing critical metrics like ETA and demand forecasting, pivotal for operational efficiency and supply chain planning. When evaluating a supply chain platform, delve into the underlying network to gauge the data quality it offers. If navigating this terrain seems daunting, seek guidance from independent supply chain consulting firms to make informed decisions.


Top 10 Supply Chain Suites In 2024

Suite roles in architecture hinge on cross-functional embeddedness. Supply chain suites restrict ERP suites to financial reporting, while retail-focused suites demand collaboration with WMS, TMS, and OMS for mature capabilities like inventory management and allocation. These were traditionally considered to naturally reside particularly inside the ERP, sparking debates if hosted elsewhere. In retail, procurement aligns closely with merchandising and planning engines. Conversely, in manufacturing and industrial settings, procurement collaborates more directly with production and accounting, illustrating the diverse nature of suite roles.

In the past, distinctions were blurred, and organizations either didn’t prioritize external supply chain tracking or built custom ERP-based systems for traceability. The evolving landscape of supply chain suites, particularly driven by private equity, has changed this dynamic. Today, previously unattainable possibilities are realized through marketplaces and networks, fostering global insights and collaboration. Technologies like blockchain facilitate seamless global data exchange, transcending international interests. While ESG and e-invoicing are in their infancy, their impact on future architecture remains uncertain. However, it’s likely that a portion of these models will be embedded within the supply chain suite, leveraging networks for collaborative documentation exchange.

Top 10 Supply Chain Suites In 2024

As supply chain suites continue to broaden their scope, determining the optimal placement particularly for specific processes within an architecture becomes increasingly complex. While straightforward for pure-play retail or manufacturing models, challenges intensify for businesses with overlapping models, like aftermarket operations blending aspects of both retail and manufacturing. This scenario is particularly applicable to softline and hardline retailers with significant manufacturing exposure. If you’re navigating supply chain suite choices, this list can assist in streamlining your options.

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10. Dassault Systèmes SCM

Dassault Systèmes employs a distinctive approach in its suite, positioned at the crossroads of ERP, CAD, and S&OP. Although tailored for supply chain industries overlapping with process manufacturing and retail, it caters to automotive- and aerospace-centric sectors, necessitating robust supplier collaboration. The suite’s roots lie in plastics, offering integrated tools for plastic-like operations across diverse industries. In contrast, other suites like Blue Yonder may face challenges in these specialized sectors, making Dassault stand out and securing its spot at #10 on our list.

  • Integrated with the ERP solution. The biggest plus with Dassault systems is its close alignment with ERP and CAD-centric systems,thus making it ideal for industries heavier on cost tracking, requiring ERP-centric processes, and limiting the role of S&OP to just planning.
  • Comprehensive suite with PLM/PDM, SCM, and ERP. Integration with PLM and PDM would be friendlier for companies particularly heavier with S&OP processes in their NPD and R&D phases, a critical requirement for process-centric manufacturers.
  • Compliance pre-baked for automotive and plastic verticals. Compliance processes heavily embedded with supply chain workflows, such as supplier collaboration, would require tight embeddedness of Dassault SCM.
  • Technology is not modern. The technology might not be as modern as some of the newer options on this list, such as e2open.
  • Limited ecosystem. The consulting ecosystem is highly limited, with their reseller channel being heavily crowded with CAD resellers without deeper supply chain expertise.
  • The network is not part of the suite. They don’t have access to the proprietary network, a critical limitation for demand forecasting, primarily relying on customers’ internal and industry data sources, which are generally substantially off because of inadequacies of their source channels.

9. Trimble 

Navigating supply chain planning, particularly in sectors like transportation, construction, and agriculture brings unique hurdles. Transportation prioritizes dispatch and preventive maintenance, influenced by distinctive driver-side compliance processes. Also, agriculture adds seasonal and crop quality factors to the planning mix. In construction, quoting processes wield substantial influence over supply chain planning. Thus, securing the 9th spot on our list, its suite’s specialized approach caters to the demands of these industries.

  • A most comprehensive suite containing telematics and fleet management. Most other manufacturing-focused suites might struggle with business models particularly with internal fleets and transportation operations, positioning Trimble uniquely.
  • Strong in transportation visibility. Their traceability and supply chain equation would be limited to transportation visibility, a strength for transportation-centric industries but a huge limitation for other industries.
  • 3PL-specific planning and data. 3PL-specific planning and data are unique, a limitation with other solutions on this list.
  • Not ideal for manufacturing or retail-centric industries. It is not an ideal fit for manufacturing and retail-centric industries, even if they might be using it for the transportation side of the processes.
  • Limited network. The limited nature of the network would not complete the supply chain equation, thus limiting companies seeking end-to-end supply chain planning.
  • Primarily focused on transportation execution and compliance. The other execution processes, such as retail, manufacturing, and production, would be highly limiting.

8. QAD

QAD adopts a strategy similar to Dassault’s by integrating CAD/PLM, S&OP, WMS, TMS, and ERP capabilities. Tailored for retail and supply chain-centric industries, it leans towards particularly discrete manufacturing and is less focused on process manufacturing for several industries like automotive and life sciences. QAD’s suite is structured around unique product categories, thus influencing supply chain and production processes across diverse industries. It mirrors the strategies of many supply chain suites, which exclusively focus on the supply chain function, omitting the ERP aspect, therefore making the QAD suite unique. Thus with its distinct attributes, QAD secures the 8th spot on our list.

  • Integrated with the ERP solution. The biggest advantage of QAD’s suite is its alignment with ERP-centric processes for cost-focused industries where processes such as cost accounting and production scheduling are critical.
  • Comprehensive suite with SCM and ERP. It combines the best of both worlds, including most components from the SCM suite, such as WMS and TMS, embedded with ERP processes, as well as CAD and PLM.
  • Compliance pre-baked for automotive and F&B industries. Compliance processes that require tighter embeddedness with the S&OP processes would find QAD’s suite extremely compelling.
  • Backend technology is not modern. The backend technology is not as modern as some of the newer platforms on this list.
  • Limited ecosystem. QAD ecosystem is highly limited, with very few consulting companies maintaining expertise on the product set, making finding talent challenging.
  • Network not part of the suite. QAD would rely on internal and customer-provided external data for its analysis, a substantial limitation compared to other systems owning and maintaining their networks as part of the suite.

7. Manhattan Associates

Manhattan specializes in retail and warehouse execution, tailored for industries tightly integrating physical store planning with warehousing and merchandising processes. These industries, less cost-focused with stable pricing models, don’t demand meticulous cost tracking, as seen in complex industrial sectors. The industries that Manhattan targets adopt a distinctive approach to intricate functions like inventory management, allocation, and omnichannel fulfillment. Its specific applicability to certain industries positions it at the 7th spot on our list.

  • Tailored flow for retail merchandisers and planners. Retail merchandising and planning are foundational processes for retailers, collaborating tightly with procurement, new product development, and design teams, requiring unique suites like Manhattan. 
  • Warehouse and store visualization and planning. The critical success factors for industries that Manhattan targets are warehouse and store visualization, influencing planning and allocation cycles substantially, requiring a unique architecture.
  • Integrated suite, including POS and distributed order management. The POS and DSD-centric business processes require unique architecture, only possible through suites like Manhattan.
  • External supply chain planning is limited.  The limited focus of Manhattan on retail execution leaves the external supply chain planning outside of the scope of Manhattan.
  • Network not included. Without a network, the planning components would be dependent upon internal and customer-provided external data, a huge limitation for companies seeking decision-grade data for the entire supply chain.
  • Not SMB friendly. The enterprise data and process layers would be overwhelming and unnecessarily expensive for SMBs.

6. Körber/HighJump 

Körber, akin to Manhattan, adopts a distinct approach with a focus on warehouse and execution components. It caters to 3PL-centric business models, crucial for distribution-focused companies often incorporating 3PL elements. Unlike Manhattan, Körber targets the mid and upper-mid markets, integrating processes like WMS, TMS, and freight claims management. While comprehensive, it lacks certain critical components found in other suites. Its unique approach and more limited applicability position it at the 6th spot on this list.

  • Strong warehouse management capabilities. It is one of the strongest cloud-native WMS systems for mid-market companies, covering most aspects of warehouse management relevant to mid-market companies.
  • TMS capabilities integrated. Industries where the embeddedness of TMS and WMS processes matter, especially for supply chain companies, would find Korber highly attractive.
  • Strong last mile and parcel capabilities. The last-mile capabilities are uniquely complex because of the scheduling and compliance processes of various industries, making Korber unique for DSD-centric operations.
  • External supply chain limited. While great for the internal supply chain, external supply chain capabilities are highly limited.
  • Network not included. The missing network would not provide the decision-grade data included with other supply chain suites.
  • No supply chain planning or collaboration. The missing planning or collaboration component might not be the best fit for companies requiring tighter embeddedness of  WMS and TMS processes with S&OP.

5. Infor CloudSuite SCM

Similar to Dassault and QAD, Infor CloudSuite SCM adopts a distinctive approach, integrating diverse processes like CAD/PLM, WMS, ERM, and HCM with S&OP processes. It proves ideal for companies with manufacturing-heavy business models where supply chain processes tightly intertwine with new product development and ERP. Pure-play retailers might find other suites more suitable, as S&OP processes may not align with their needs. Given its unique market position, Infor CloudSuite SCM secures the 5th spot on this list.

  • A comprehensive suite for supply chain management. Infor CloudSuite is uniquely comprehensive, most components pre-integrated, needed for manufacturers.
  • Great visibility platform with planning. Includes a visibility platform for supplier collaboration and procurement without carrier-focused visibility, generally included in 3PL and retail-centric suites.
  • Global trade workflows and compliance capabilities. Global trade compliance requires country and geopolitical restrictions that need to be integrated with business processes.
  • Weak transportation execution component. Due to the nature of industries Infor CloudSuite SCM targets, the transportation execution component is not as critical for the suite but might be a limitation for diverse operations.
  • Not proven with enterprise workloads. The enterprises requiring millions of transactions per hour for planning cycles might struggle with it.
  • Not fit for smaller businesses. The overbloated data and process layers might be overwhelming for smaller businesses.

4. Oracle

Oracle Supply Chain Suite proves ideal for global enterprises with diverse operations and various business models, effectively accommodating the planning cycles of multiple industries. In comparison, industry-specific suites like Infor, QAD, or Trimble may face challenges in handling such diverse operations. Mid-market-focused suites may struggle with the high workload of enterprise-level planning cycles, especially those involving millions of transactions per hour. While limited by its proprietary network, Oracle Supply Chain Suite excels in providing operational capabilities for global enterprises that demand seamless integration across systems such as HCM, ERP, WMS, and TMS with S&OP. Its unique position for large enterprises secures its rank at #4 on our list.

  • Comprehensive supply management suite, including global trade management capabilities. The supply chain suite would cover the need for the most diverse operations for global enterprises.
  • Strong planning platform integrated with execution suite. The planning platform is not industry- or function-specific, providing end-to-end traceability of all planning datasets, including S&OP, human resources, and FP&A.
  • Pre-integrated with ERP. Embedded processes with ERP, along with a disconnected supply chain suite, can cover both architectures equally well, covering the needs of diverse operations.
  • Network not part of the suite. Missing a network would require additional components, and the processes that need to be tightly embedded with the network might struggle.
  • Not SMB friendly. The enterprise data and process model might be overwhelming for SMBs leaner on their process overhead.
  • Expensive. Ultra expensive for SMBs looking for cheaper options with learner process and data models.

3. SAP

Like Oracle, SAP Supply Chain Suite is tailored for global enterprises with diverse operations, accommodating planning cycles across various business models. Unlike Oracle, SAP offers friendliness for product-centric industries deeply involved in cost accounting and MRP-driven processes. Mid-market-focused suites may struggle with the high workload of enterprise-level planning cycles, dealing with millions of transactions per hour. Despite its proprietary network limitations, SAP Supply Chain Suite excels in providing operational capabilities for global enterprises, seamlessly integrating systems such as ERP, WMS, HCM, and TMS with S&OP. This unique position earns it the #3 rank on our list.

  • Comprehensive supply management suite, including global trade management capabilities. The supply chain suite is comprehensive for highly regulated organizations requiring process tightness and control across systems such as ERP, WMS, TMS, and S&OP.
  • Strong planning platform integrated with execution suite. The tight integration of the planning suite with execution components allows cross-pollination of business rules, which is highly critical for publicly traded organizations.
  • Pre-integrated with ERP.  The pre-integration with ERP allows exploring diverse warehouse architectures – decoupled or embedded, catering to different business models, being especially friendly for 3PL-centric operations.
  • Network not part of the suite. The missing network would struggle with the cross-pollination of business rules, requiring a network.
  • Not SMB friendly. The overbloated enterprise data and process layers would be overwhelming for SMB companies.
  • Expensive. SMBs might find the SAP’s price tag cost-prohibitive and overly expensive.

2. Blue Yonder

Blue Yonder stands out as a unique suite, akin to Manhattan, offering retail-centric capabilities enriched with robust external supply chain processes and control tower capabilities. In contrast to industry-specific suites like QAD, Infor Nexus, and Dassault, Blue Yonder may not excel in industries requiring seamless integration of business rules from WMS, TMS, and OMS with ERP, particularly those emphasizing cost accounting and MRP-centric processes. Unlike SAP and Oracle, which may lack depth in external supply chain capabilities, Blue Yonder proves more suitable for industries necessitating the decoupling of cost-centric overhead. Differing from e2open, Blue Yonder lacks its proprietary network. Its versatile application across various industries earns it the #2 spot on our list.

  • Strongest supply chain suite with planning and execution components. One of the strongest pure-play supply chain suites for retail-centric industries.
  • Ability to handle a large number of SKUs for enterprise retailers. Enterprise retail workloads require processing millions of transactions per hour for planning loads containing millions of SKUs and location planning.
  • External supply chain capabilities. One of the strongest supply chain suites for end-to-end supply chain traceability, internal or external.
  • ERP is not included as part of the suite. In the processes and business models where cross-pollinations of business rules with ERP is critical, Blue Yonder might not be the best fit.
  • Network is not part of the suite. With Blue Yonder not owning its own network, it might not have as much control over the third parties providing them network.
  • Not SMB friendly. The enterprise process and data layers might be overwhelming for SMBs.

1. e2open

e2open takes a unique approach to its suite, straddling the realms of retail and manufacturing and integrating transactional CRM processes. Diverging from Blue Yonder, e2open prides itself on its proprietary network, ensuring precise decision-grade data, a valuable asset for companies contending with demand forecasting challenges and data dependencies on external factors. While exhibiting similarities with QAD or Infor Nexus in various capacities, e2open encounters constraints in architectures necessitating ERP cross-pollination for specific industries. In such contexts, e2open may not be the optimal choice. Nonetheless, its robust enterprise-grade capabilities and deep supply chain processes catapult it to the forefront, securing the coveted #1 rank on our list.

  • Most comprehensive supply chain suite with planning, network, and execution. One of the most comprehensive options with all aspects of the supply chain suite that other solutions on this list might not have.
  • Channel marketing planning and collaboration. One of the unique aspects of e2open is that it has a process for channel-driven organizations with trade rebate planning and several other processes that are relevant for collaborative channels.
  • Global compliance and e-invoicing support. Along with the capabilities that most suites offer, it also has capabilities for global compliance and e-invoicing support, requiring only one platform for all collaboration and joint planning needs.
  • ERP is not included as part of the suite. For industries where planning processes might require cross-pollination with ERP processes, e2open might not be the best fit.
  • Not SMB friendly. The enterprise data and process layers might be overwhelming for SMB companies.
  • Limited ecosystem. The consulting ecosystem is not as prevalent as some of the other solutions on this list, so finding talent might be harder with e2open.

ERP Implementation Failure Recovery

Learn how Frederick Wildman struggled with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP implementation failure even after spending over $5M and what options they had for recovery.


Supply chain suites have diverse origins, evolving from various perspectives—some rooted in execution systems, others in planning. Over time, they’ve developed significant overlaps with each other and other enterprise software categories, intensifying architectural challenges. In your quest for a supply chain suite, delineate your business process boundaries and determine their natural placement based on required process embeddedness. This list aims to streamline your options, yet identifying the right suite demands expertise, often provided by independent ERP consultants.


Top 10 S&OP Systems In 2024

Top 10 S&OP Systems In 2024

Running inventory-centric operations without an S&OP system is nearly impractical. Traditionally, businesses managed operations through complex spreadsheets, merging data from various sources. Despite ERP systems claiming S&OP capabilities, their rigid data structures for transactions hinder analytical workflows. An alternative system with a more flexible structure is needed, one that allows easy manipulation without disrupting core operations.

Tailoring data layers to analytical needs involves flattening and augmenting data based on organizational requirements and speed of insights. Analytical systems, unlike core operational data systems, have a lower impact from changes, such as SKU and BOM structure modifications. External changes may still necessitate adjustments to the data model for accurate correlation and association, ensuring the generation of necessary KPIs and insights for the organization.

Top 10 S&OP Systems In 2024

The design of S&OP systems is influenced by various factors, with some systems integrating other suites like WMS, TMS, or OMS based on tight analytical workflows and operational requirements. Retail industries, for instance, may require collaboration between merchandising, planning, procurement, and R&D teams, prompting the inclusion of these processes within the S&OP system suite. Corporate strategy and transactional alignment play a crucial role in determining the suitable architecture, emphasizing the need for an S&OP system tailored to unique workflows. Ready to explore the top S&OP systems in 2024? Let’s delve in.

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10. Relex Solutions

While various systems cater to different industries, S&OP systems necessitate industry-specific capabilities. In retail, planning varies even between softline and hardline operations. Relex excels in mid-market retail, providing pre-configured workflows for streamlined implementation. Unique features like retail floor planning and planogram optimization, common in larger supply chain suites, make Relex a robust choice for retail operations without displacing existing operational systems like WMS or TMS. Despite requiring closer integration with operational processes, Relex secures its position at #10 on our list.

  • Integrated workforce planning. While smaller systems might require an external system for workforce planning, Relex can combine workforce planning as well, making a comprehensive planning engineer combining floor space planning or workforce.
  • Great for teams needing standalone planning solutions. For teams that can’t afford to replace their existing transactional system, this could be a great best-of-breed system that can be installed without impacting the core operational infrastructure.
  • Strong retail planning solutions such as pricing and promotions. The other solutions on this list might not have retail-specific capabilities such as pricing and promotions, requiring substantial efforts to implement them.
  • Limited focus. The limited focus on retail might be irrelevant for companies centralizing their analytical processes and data siloes. Equally limited for diverse operations.
  • Not an integrated suite. Unlike other supply chain suites that are likely to be pre-integrated, Relex might require substantial master data and consulting expertise if the analytical processes need to be tightly embedded with operational processes.
  • Not meant to be for enterprise workloads. While a great mid-market solution, it’s not ideal for enterprise-level workloads with millions of SKU and location planning requirements.

9. Oracle Demantra

Much like SAP IBP, Oracle Demantra suits companies already using Oracle for various technologies like TMS, WMS, or ERP. Offering seamless integration for analytical processes closely tied to operational workflows, it proves beneficial for diverse businesses seeking robust S&OP capabilities. Particularly suitable for those with substantial implementation budgets to customize industry-specific processes, Oracle Demantra stands out as an excellent choice for large enterprises already integrated with Oracle retail solutions or ERP, securing its position at #9 on our list.

  • Designed for enterprise planning workloads. Oracle Demanta is proven for large enterprise workloads where companies may have millions of SKU and location permutations and combinations.
  • Comprehensive demand forecasting capabilities. While other products may not have as robust demand forecasting capabilities, especially containing enterprise-grade strategies and formulas built, Oracle Demantra has deep capabilities.
  • Pre-integrated with other Oracle products. The pre-integrated workflows would reduce the consulting and integration time. But don’t forget to vet if the existing integration is good enough for your use case.
  • User interface might be clunky. The user interface is not as modern as other modern options, leading to adoption issues among users.
  • Steep learning curve. The enterprise-grade layers and data model would require substantial learning without prior experience with the product.
  • Expensive. It might be too expensive for SMBs with simpler needs.


Much like Oracle Demantra, SAP IBP caters well to businesses already utilizing SAP for various technologies like TMS, WMS, or ERP. Offering seamless integration for analytical processes closely tied to operational workflows, it proves beneficial for diverse enterprises seeking robust S&OP capabilities. Particularly suitable for those with substantial implementation budgets to customize industry-specific processes, SAP IBP stands out as an excellent choice for large enterprises already integrated with SAP S/4 HANA, earning it the #8 spot on our list.

  • Pre-integrated with other SAP products. The pre-integrated nature of SAP IBP will help companies with embedded workflows if the planning workflows need to be tightly embedded with operational ones.
  • Comprehensive supply chain planning capabilities. While other solutions might be limited in their capabilities, SAP IBP covers broad capabilities for a variety of industries.
  • Designed for enterprise workloads. Proven for very large workloads with millions of SKU and location combinations and parallel workflows for enterprise-wide planning workloads.
  • Dated user interface. The user interface might not be as modern as some of the other cloud-native platforms.
  • May not be as visual as other platforms. The limited visual appeal might lead to adoption challenges and building consensus among different stakeholders.
  • Expensive. SMBs not caring for enterprise capabilities might find it expensive.

7. e2open

e2open stands out as a holistic suite encompassing supply chain aspects like network, planning, and execution. Its strength lies in the robustness of its network, setting it apart from other platforms. Beyond technical capabilities, e2open excels in delivering vital industrial data, enhancing essential KPIs such as demand forecasting and arrival times. Ideal for businesses seeking a comprehensive suite with S&OP capabilities, e2open secures its position at #7 on our list.

  • End-to-end Supply chain capabilities are part of the suite. e2open is perhaps the most comprehensive supply chain suite capable of building industry-wide supply chain planning workloads because of its network and access to industry data.
  • Richest decision-grade data through its network. The quality of decision-grade data is completely dependent upon the amount and the quality of data available, making it one of the highest quality data crucial for S&OP planning.
  • Collaboration planning is easy if customers and supplies are already part of the network. The biggest advantage of e2open is the network effect that you have, especially if both suppliers and customers are likely to be part of the same network.
  • Expensive. SMBs not caring for enterprise-grade capabilities or networks might find its hefty price tag unnecessarily expensive. 
  • Learning curve. Due to the connected datasets with other execution capabilities, substantial consulting help with data modeling and implementation will be required.
  • Not designed for SMBs. e2open’s target market is large enterprises, and SMBs are likely to find it overwhelming for their simpler needs.

6. Logility

Operating primarily in the prescriptive category, much like Relex, Logility caters to mid-market companies in specific industries. As a standalone S&OP system, Logility doesn’t necessitate the replacement of other transactional or operational components, allowing department-level implementation. The simplicity of data modeling and implementation is an advantage, given its independence from other suite components. However, incorporating Logility into the architecture may demand extensive enterprise architecture expertise for master data governance and integration workflows. Positioned at #6, Logility stands as a compelling prescriptive standalone solution for the mid-market.

  • Standalone planning solutions. The standalone nature makes it easier to implement and use at the departmental level without requiring as much consensus with the other departments.
  • Planning scenarios built up. The planning scenarios are built up, reducing consulting in building workflows from scratch but increasing training and adoption in learning the proprietary knowledge of the platform.
  • Detailed inventory planning. Comprehensive inventory planning pre-built, requiring substantial consulting expertise to enable the same capabilities on the other platforms.
  • Not designed for enterprises. Logility is not proven for enterprise-grade workloads, requiring planning for millions of SKUs and location combinations.
  • Not a complete suite. Since it is not a complete suite, integrating it with other best-of-breed solutions would require substantial master data governance and enterprise architecture expertise.
  • Limiting flexibility. Prescriptive workflows and proprietary knowledge may lack the flexibility analysts enjoy with spreadsheets or other technical platforms.

5. OMP

OMP follows a prescriptive approach similar to Relex or Logility, offering a distinctive solution tailored for industries with intricate inventories like chemicals, life sciences, and metal. Due to the unique planning cycles and data models necessary for these industries, OMP stands out, rendering other industry-agnostic solutions less relevant. However, its industry-specific focus may pose a challenge for businesses spanning diverse sectors. Positioned at #5, OMP emerges as a robust solution for mid-market companies with budget constraints seeking a prescriptive solution.

  • Strong in life sciences and metal-oriented inventory planning. These industries have unique requirements to support complex attributes and lot and serial numbers, making them slightly difficult in vanilla platforms if they are not designed for those industries.
  • Standalone planning solution. The standalone nature would not require building consensus with other departments or aligning data models, making it easier to implement at the department level.
  • Friendlier for Mid-market because of pre-baked functionality. The pre-baked functionality and prescriptive workflows would reduce the consulting costs but increase training time to learn proprietary knowledge.
  • Highly technical and would require significant consulting support. The prescriptive nature would require substantial consulting efforts in learning proprietary knowledge and translating current data models to platform data models.
  • Not designed for enterprise workloads. It might not be the best fit for enterprises planning for millions of SKUs and location combinations, which might be even harder for these industries as the planning may need to be done at the lot or serial number level.
  • Not the best fit for diverse operations. The focused nature may not be the best fit for companies seeking to manage diverse planning models on the same platform.

4. O9 Solutions

In the competitive landscape alongside enterprise-grade platforms like Blue Yonder and Anaplan, O9 emerges as a top choice for upper mid-market to enterprise companies. It caters to those seeking extensive technical capabilities for enterprise-wide planning, particularly within retail-centric industries. Many mid-market or outdated enterprise solutions may lag in technology investment, lacking advancements in AI and ML crucial for effective S&OP systems. Despite offering enterprise-level capabilities, o9 is not an exhaustive supply chain suite, enhancing ease of implementation at the department level. This position is o9 at #8 on our list.

  • Advanced AI and ML capabilities. The enterprise-grade AI and ML are likely to be similar to Blue Yonder or e2open, with the only exception being the included network.
  • Pre-built planning workflows tailored to specific industries, such as retail. The pre-built and prescriptive workflows would not require as much consulting effort as it would with other vanilla solutions such as Anaplan.
  • The well-adopted solution in various in large enterprises. The O9 solution is well-proven with very large enterprise logos, which are very similar to Blue Yonder or e2open.
  • Not the best fit for smaller businesses. The enterprise layers and consulting expertise required to implement and learn o9 might be overwhelming for SMB companies.
  • Expensive. The SMB companies limited on budget might not appreciate its expensive price tag.
  • Ecosystem. The ecosystem does not have as many consulting companies as it might be available for other leading platforms such as Anaplan.

3. Anaplan

Anaplan stands out as a highly sophisticated platform catering to enterprise-wide connected planning across FP&A, S&OP, and more. Unlike some prescriptive solutions, Anaplan minimizes the need for industry-specific proprietary knowledge. While its planning models may not match the scalability of Anaplan, it appeals to skilled planners accustomed to extensive spreadsheet use due to its flexible platform. However, leveraging Anaplan may entail a substantial consulting budget for workflows that could be pre-configured in other solutions. Positioned at #3 on our list, Anaplan is a prime choice for enterprises seeking scalable, connected planning without additional platforms.

  • Highly customizable for sophisticated planning scenarios. The planning models can accommodate diverse planning models across industries rather than being limited to just one function or industry.
  • Connected planning, including all planning datasets. Most other focused solutions, such as Relex, Logility, and o9, are likely to require another planning solution. Even the enterprise-grade supply chain suite would crate disconnected planning experience as FP&A and human resources planning are likely to be disconnected with them, making it one of the best candidate planning use cases despite missing the supply chain suite.
  • Ecosystem. Anaplan has one of the most mature consulting bases compared to all other solutions on this list.
  • Steep learning curve. Expect a very long implementation time for users to be proficient with planning models, leading to adoption issues.
  • Requires consulting support. The technical platform would require building the business workflows and reports that might already be pre-built with several solutions on this list.
  • Limited pre-baked industry-specific workflows. Limited pre-baked industry-specific workflows would require substantial help from consulting companies with expertise in building industry-specific planning models.

2. Blue Yonder

Similar to e2open, Blue Yonder offers a comprehensive suite encompassing various supply chain components such as WMS, TMS, and S&OP. Contrasting with e2open, Blue Yonder relies on partners for its network needs instead of having its proprietary network. Although it lacks a proprietary network, Blue Yonder excels in handling enterprise workloads, particularly in the retail sector. Comparing it with a few others, Blue Yonder and Anaplan take divergent approaches to their suites. Anaplan prioritizes connectivity and traceability in planning, whereas Blue Yonder excels when S&OP processes demand tighter embeddedness with operational processes. Positioned at #2 on our list, Blue Yonder proves to be an excellent S&OP system for enterprises seeking a comprehensive suite.

  • Complete suite integrated for retail-centric industries. The complete suite would provide pre-baked integration, which is much harder to build where planning workflows are tightly embedded with operational processes such as merchandising and planning.
  • Most tools are part of the suite for retail planners and merchandisers. Retail industries would find Blue Yonder most relatable as most tools related to retail planning are part of the suite, allowing everyone to operate seamlessly on the same data.
  • Ecosystem. Blue Yonder is widely popular among large consulting firms, allowing customers to find talent easily.  
  • Expensive. SMB companies not caring for enterprise-grade capabilities might find Blue Yonder unnecessarily expensive.
  • Not SMB friendly. The enterprise layers and tightness of the data model might be overwhelming for SMB companies looking for simpler platforms.
  • Not the best fit for 3PL companies. Designed from the perspective of retail companies, it’s not as suitable for companies with 3PL as part of their business model as their planning cycles are uniquely different from retailers.

1. Kinaxis 

Compared to other prescriptive options such as Logility or O9, Kinaxis is perhaps the ideal solution, covering many different market segments. Although it doesn’t have the same suite capabilities as Blue Yonder, it also makes it slightly friendlier for companies looking for a standalone S&OP system without requiring alignment with other departments. Like e2open, Kinaxis is perhaps the only other solution that owns a network, providing superior decision-grade data than other platforms. Contrasting with Anaplan, it would not require as much consulting help, especially for manufacturing companies, for which supply chain planning is far more detailed and different. Kinaxis is one of the most versatile options catering to many companies, making it the #1 option on this list.

  • Richest pre-baked planning platform with enterprise-grade capabilities for manufacturers and retailers. Manufacturing planning requires traceability and planning at the BOM level, which are very similar capabilities to MRP, requiring far more firepower than for industries planning at the SKU and location level.
  • Advanced capabilities such as returns and spare parts management. Pre-built return and spare parts management capabilities would not require as much consulting help as building these capabilities on a vanilla platform would.
  • Proprietary Network. Kinaxis is perhaps one of the few platforms on this list that owns its own network, providing superior decision-grade data than other platforms.
  • It may not be the most customizable platform. The prescriptive nature of the platform for analysts seeking a flexible platform to build capabilities atop the vanilla platform.
  • Expensive. SMBs looking for simpler solutions without enterprise-grade capabilities and layers might find it expensive.
  • Not SMB friendly. The enterprise layers might be overwhelming for companies, increasing the implementation budget and adoption risks.

ERP Implementation Failure Recovery

Learn how Frederick Wildman struggled with Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP implementation failure even after spending over $5M and what options they had for recovery.


Navigating the myriad S&OP systems can feel like solving a puzzle, with each platform adopting a unique approach tailored to traceability and connectivity goals. Industry considerations, including planning cycle nuances, further influence the suitability of each solution. As you contemplate an S&OP system, articulate its scope and collaboration with enterprise data. This clarity aids in selecting the optimal option from the provided list. If this task exceeds your expertise, seeking guidance from independent ERP consultants can be invaluable.



<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">2025 Digital Transformation Report

This digital transformation report summarizes our annual research on ERP and digital transformation trends and forecasts for the year 2025. 

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